VRKM-01217 【VR】 Slow Sex VR ~"The Only You Need To Look Is My Tits, Okay?~♪" ~ Sakura Kurumi

Movie Information:

ID Code: VRKM-01217

Release Date: 04/03/2024

Category: Censored , Big boob , Slut , VR , Cum Swallow

Actress: Kurumi Sakura


Studio Label: K.M.Produce

Online stream:



In the heart of the city, where the ebb and flow of life reverberated through bustling streets, there lived a unique love story, woven with threads of simplicity and intimacy. At its center was Kurumi Sakura, a young woman with an enchanting aura that captivated the hearts of those around her. Her love, however, unfolded in a way that transcended traditional expressions – Kurumi's greatest desire was simply to look at her partner, to immerse herself in the beauty of their shared moments.

Kurumi's love story began with Kaito, a kindred spirit whose soul resonated with hers in a harmonious symphony of connection. From the moment they first met, Kurumi was drawn to Kaito's essence – his laughter, the way his eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, and the subtle nuances that made him uniquely him. In Kaito, Kurumi found a canvas of joy and warmth, and her heart swelled with an emotion that surpassed the need for grand gestures or extravagant declarations.

As their relationship blossomed, Kurumi discovered the simple pleasure of observing Kaito, of being a silent spectator to the beautiful mosaic of his life. It wasn't about extravagant dates or elaborate displays of affection; for Kurumi, the most profound moments were the quiet ones, where she could gaze upon Kaito and cherish the depth of their connection.

Their love story unfolded in the small, everyday details. Kurumi reveled in the mornings when Kaito, lost in the melodies of a waking city, sipped his coffee with a contemplative expression. She cherished the evenings when the city lights painted a canvas of twinkling stars, mirroring the glint in Kaito's eyes as he shared stories of his day.

One sunny afternoon, as they strolled through a tranquil park, Kurumi's hand intertwined with Kaito's, she expressed her unique affection. "Kaito, I have a secret," she whispered, her eyes dancing with a mischievous gleam. "My favorite thing in the world is just looking at you."

Kaito, touched by the simplicity and sincerity in her words, smiled warmly. "You have the most enchanting way of making the ordinary extraordinary, Kurumi."

And so, their love story continued – a symphony of stolen glances, shared silences, and the unspoken language that only two hearts deeply entwined could understand. Kurumi found solace in the moments when she could lose herself in the mere sight of Kaito, observing the intricacies of his expressions, the way his hair caught the sunlight, and the contagious joy that emanated from him.

Their weekends became a canvas for shared adventures, from leisurely picnics in sunlit meadows to spontaneous dances in the rain. Through it all, Kurumi's gaze remained an unwavering constant – a testament to her adoration, a silent celebration of the love that flowed between them.

As their love story unfolded, Kaito began to appreciate the profound beauty in Kurumi's unique expression of love. He understood that her desire to look at him wasn't rooted in possessiveness but rather in a deep-seated appreciation for the person he was. Kurumi's gaze became a mirror reflecting the myriad emotions that colored their shared experiences – joy, contentment, and an unspoken promise of enduring love.

One day, as they stood on a rooftop overlooking the city skyline, Kurumi confessed, "Kaito, you are my favorite view, my most cherished piece of art. I could spend a lifetime just looking at you."

In that moment, under the vast expanse of the evening sky, Kaito embraced Kurumi, realizing the depth of her affection. Their love was a tapestry woven with threads of simplicity, each shared glance an intricate stitch in the narrative of their unique connection.

Kurumi's love wasn't confined to grand gestures; it found its expression in the poetry of quiet moments. The way she looked at Kaito conveyed volumes – a silent vow to stand by his side, a promise to cherish the journey they embarked on together. Her gaze spoke of a love that transcended the need for constant words, finding solace in the silent language that only two souls deeply in love could comprehend.

As the seasons danced through their symphony of change, Kurumi and Kaito's love story remained an enduring melody. Their days were painted with the hues of shared glances, stolen kisses, and the comfort of knowing that, in each other's gaze, they had found a home. It wasn't about extravagant declarations; it was about the quiet assurance that, no matter what, Kurumi and Kaito could find solace in the simple act of looking at each other.

And so, under the city lights that flickered like a thousand stars, Kurumi and Kaito continued their journey – a love story that unfolded in the subtleties, where the most profound moments were the ones that required nothing more than a shared gaze, a silent acknowledgment of the extraordinary beauty found in the simplicity of just looking at the one you love./Top of Form