VRKM-01140 [VR] Ceiling Special Angle VR ~A Junior Who Looks Amazing When She Takes Off Her Clothes During Drunk~ Aina Namiki.

Movie Information:

ID Code: VRKM-01140

Release Date: 03/12/2023

Category: Censored , Office Lady , Slut , VR , Pervert Boss , Kimono , Drinking Sex

Actress: Namiki Aina


Studio Label: K.M.Produce

Online stream:



In the clamoring city of Lumina, where transcending high rises kissed the sky, and the beat of corporate life reverberated through each road, worked Aina Namiki, a youthful and aggressive new kid on the block office woman. Aina was not simply one more representative in that frame of mind of dark suits; she was a reference point of energy, still up in the air to transform the corporate world.

At some point, the organization protected a worthwhile arrangement with a high-profile client, and Aina ended up at the very front of the task. The client, a renowned underground aquifer resort settled in the tranquil mountains, required a far reaching strategic plan. Aina, regardless of her tenderfoot status, was depended with driving the group and guaranteeing the progress of the endeavor.

The possibility of the underground aquifer work excursion was met with a blend of fervor and anxiety among the group. As the assigned pioneer, Aina dove into arrangements with energy. She carefully investigated the client's necessities, dug into the complexities of the underground aquifer industry, and made a point by point recommendation that measured up to assumptions as well as surpassed them.

The day of flight showed up, and the group wound up on an excursion to the quiet mountains, where the natural aquifer resort anticipated. Aina, clad in proficient clothing yet emanating a quality of receptiveness, drove the group with a mix of certainty and modesty. As they arrived at the retreat, encompassed by fog covered tops, Aina's eyes shimmered earnestly.

The client, a carefully prepared financial specialist named Mr. Takahashi, welcomed the group with a warm however knowing look. Aina, resolute by the weightiness of the circumstance, gave the proposition a balance that misrepresented her youngster status. Her enthusiasm for the task and her intensive comprehension of the client's necessities radiated through, leaving Mr. Takahashi dazzled.

The day unfurled into a progression of gatherings and conversations, with Aina coordinating every cooperation like a champ. She flawlessly explored through the complexities of business exchanges, tending to worries, and proposing arrangements with a persuasiveness that got even the most experienced individuals from the group unsuspecting.

As night slid upon the mountains, Aina proposed a difference in landscape for a more casual gathering. The group accumulated at the retreat's outside underground aquifers, encompassed by the calming hints of nature. Aina, perceiving the significance of fashioning a unique interaction with the client, drew in Mr. Takahashi in relaxed discussion.

In the midst of the steam ascending from the natural aquifers, Aina found out about Mr. Takahashi's vision for the hotel, his adoration for the mountains, and the difficulties he looked in the business. She shared her own goals, winding around a story that went past deals. The environment changed from a conventional exchange to a kinship produced in the warm waters of understanding.

The next day, Aina organized a visit through the retreat, exhibiting its conveniences as well as the potential for development and advancement. Her capacity to imagine the client's fantasies and make an interpretation of them into a substantial arrangement had an enduring effect. When the group bid goodbye to Mr. Takahashi, obviously Lumina Company wasn't simply one more colleague; it was a teammate with a common enthusiasm for progress.

Back in the city, the workplace hummed with expectation as the group anticipated criticism from the client. Aina, notwithstanding, stayed cool and gathered, transmitting a tranquil certainty that roused her partners. The call at long last came, and Mr. Takahashi communicated fulfillment as well as authentic energy about the coordinated effort. The arrangement was fixed, and the natural aquifer project turned into a milestone accomplishment for Lumina Partnership.

Aina's ability didn't be ignored inside the organization. Her partners, once distrustful of the newbie driving such a basic task, presently respected her diligence and capacity to transform difficulties into open doors. Aina's tutor, a carefully prepared leader named Ms. Miyamoto, praised her on getting the arrangement as well as changing an excursion for work into a vital encounter for the client.

The underground aquifer work excursion turned into a defining moment in Aina's vocation. She was at this point not simply a freshman; she was a rising star inside Lumina Organization. The progress of the task opened entryways for new open doors, and Aina kept on succeeding in each job she embraced.

Months after the fact, Lumina Enterprise praised the excellent opening of the underground aquifer resort, a demonstration of Aina's vision and devotion. The occasion was gone to by chiefs, clients, and industry pioneers, all wondering about the change of a fantasy into a reality. Aina, however still youthful in her profession, remained on the stage with a tranquil modesty that said a lot.

As the retreat's most memorable visitors submerged themselves in the reviving natural aquifers, Aina thought about the excursion that brought her here. The mountains, when a background to exchanges, presently remained as an image of win. The progress of the natural aquifer project raised Aina's vocation as well as made a permanent imprint on Lumina Company.

In the realm of corporate accomplishment, Aina Namiki turned into a legend — a demonstration of the way that energy, commitment, and the capacity to interface with others could rise above the boundaries of involvement. Her excursion from a new kid on the block office woman to a central participant in a milestone project turned into a motivation for yearning experts, advising them that each challenge is an open door ready to be seized./