VRKM-01123 [8K VR] The Strongest Facial Specialization Is Born! ! Terrific After Sex With A Bitchy Hostess Hikaru Konno.

Movie Information:

ID Code: VRKM-01123

Release Date: 30/11/2023

Category: Censored , Slut , Soapland , Escort Service , VR , Drinking Sex

Actress: Konno Hikaru


Studio Label: K.M.Produce

Online stream:



In the quiet suburbs of Sapporo, where the seasons painted the landscape with a palette of changing colors, lived Hikaru Konno—an introverted soul navigating the complexities of life. Hikaru's world revolved around the subtle beauty of books, the gentle rustle of leaves in the nearby park, and the solace found in her own company. Yet, beneath the quiet exterior, there was a story waiting to unfold—a story that would see Hikaru stepping into the realms of self-expression in a way she never imagined.

Hikaru's days were a tapestry of routine. She found comfort in the familiar—quiet evenings spent in the company of her favorite books, solitary walks in the park where the cherry blossoms whispered tales of the changing seasons, and the gentle hum of her thoughts that resonated within the walls of her small apartment. The world beyond this cocoon was a realm she treaded cautiously, preferring the sanctuary of solitude over the complexities of social interaction.

However, life has a way of surprising even the most introspective souls. One fateful evening, Hikaru received an invitation to a gathering—an event that held the promise of connection and shared moments. Initially hesitant, she decided to step beyond the boundaries of her comfort zone and attend the gathering, recognizing it as an opportunity to explore a different facet of life.

The venue, a cozy izakaya tucked away in a corner of the city, buzzed with the laughter and conversations of people from various walks of life. Hikaru, with her reserved demeanor, navigated through the crowd, finding a quiet corner where she could observe the ebb and flow of social interactions. The air was alive with the clinking of glasses, the savory aroma of Japanese cuisine, and the warmth of shared camaraderie.

As the evening unfolded, Hikaru found herself drawn into conversations, albeit on the periphery. Her responses were measured, her laughter a gentle echo, and her presence a delicate addition to the vibrant mosaic of the gathering. It was in these moments that Hikaru glimpsed the potential for connection beyond the solitude she had grown accustomed to.

As the night progressed, the atmosphere in the izakaya shifted. The clinking of glasses grew more animated, the laughter more infectious, and an air of camaraderie enveloped the gathering. It was then that Hikaru, feeling the subtle effects of the evening, found herself contemplating the idea of self-expression in a different light.

In a daring moment, Hikaru decided to embrace the spirit of the evening and indulge in a glass of sake. The amber liquid flowed into her cup, carrying with it the promise of liberation. With each sip, the barriers that restrained her expressions began to loosen, and Hikaru felt a newfound sense of freedom.

Under the influence of the sake, Hikaru's introverted cocoon began to unravel. The once measured responses gave way to spontaneous laughter, the gentle echo transformed into hearty amusement, and the reserved demeanor evolved into a lively engagement with the people around her. It was as if the sake had unlocked a dormant part of Hikaru—a part that reveled in the joy of shared moments.

Her newfound expressiveness did not go unnoticed. The gathering embraced this transformation with open arms, and the izakaya became a stage where Hikaru, the introverted soul, stepped into the limelight of self-discovery. Conversations flowed effortlessly, laughter resonated through the air, and the walls that once confined her expression crumbled in the wake of this unexpected liberation.

As the night wore on, Hikaru found herself immersed in the tapestry of shared stories and genuine connections. The people around her, initially strangers, became companions in a journey of laughter, camaraderie, and the shared warmth of the izakaya. Hikaru's introverted tendencies, now draped in the spirit of the evening, became an integral part of this vibrant tapestry.

In the early hours of the morning, as the izakaya began to wind down, Hikaru sat among newfound friends, the remnants of the night's festivities etched in the smiles and shared memories. The sake, once a catalyst for her transformation, now stood as a testament to the unexpected beauty that unfolded when one dared to step beyond the boundaries of comfort.

As Hikaru bid farewell to the gathering, the gentle rustle of leaves in the nearby park welcomed her back into the realm of solitude. The introverted soul, now adorned with the echoes of laughter and the warmth of shared moments, carried the essence of the izakaya with her. The night had been a chapter of self-discovery—an exploration of facets she never thought existed within her.

Days turned into weeks, and Hikaru, once again enveloped in the quiet routine of her life, reflected on the izakaya gathering. The memories lingered—a reminder that self-expression was not confined to the introverted or the extroverted but existed as a spectrum waiting to be explored. Hikaru, now more aware of the dynamic interplay between solitude and shared moments, found a newfound appreciation for the delicate balance that defined her world.

In the heart of Sapporo, where the cherry blossoms continued to whisper tales of changing seasons, Hikaru Konno embraced the duality of her existence—an introverted soul who, under the influence of an unexpected evening, discovered the beauty of self-expression in the unlikeliest of places. The izakaya gathering had been a catalyst for a transformation that transcended the boundaries of introversion, leaving Hikaru with a tapestry of memories that painted her world in hues of laughter, camaraderie, and the gentle rustle of leaves in the nearby park—a testament to the ever-unfolding journey of self-discovery./