VOTAN-094 On The Contrary, I Was Made To Cum, Hehe... Returning The Favor Of A Runaway Girl With A Dark Illness Kurumi Suzuka POV: It Feels Like VR Ev

Movie Information:

ID Code: VOTAN-004

Release Date: 26/04/2024

Category: Censored , Slut , Naughty Game , VR , Gyaru , Gals

Actress: Amateur


Studio Label: BOTAN

Online stream:



In the quiet town of Hoshino, nestled amidst the rolling hills and lush forests of rural Japan, there existed a small tea house known as Sakura Grove—a haven of tranquility and serenity in a world that often seemed chaotic and uncertain.

At the heart of Sakura Grove was a man named Hiroto—a gentle soul with a kind heart and a quiet demeanor, whose passion for tea and hospitality knew no bounds. For years, Hiroto had dedicated himself to serving the patrons of Sakura Grove with warmth and grace, offering them a respite from the cares of the world and a moment of peace in the midst of their busy lives.

But amidst the laughter and chatter of the tea house, there existed a shadow—a shadow that lingered in the corners of Hiroto's mind, a reminder of a debt unpaid and a promise unfulfilled. For many years ago, Hiroto had crossed paths with a young girl named Hana—a runaway from a troubled home, whose life had been marked by pain and hardship from the moment she was born.

Hana had stumbled into Sakura Grove one rainy night, her clothes tattered and her spirit broken, seeking refuge from the storm that raged outside. And when Hiroto had found her huddled on the doorstep, her eyes filled with fear and uncertainty, he had taken her in without hesitation, offering her shelter and solace in the midst of her darkest hour.

For weeks, Hana had lived at Sakura Grove, her presence a ray of light in Hiroto's otherwise solitary existence. With each passing day, she had grown stronger and more resilient, her spirit unbroken despite the trials and tribulations she had faced in her young life.

But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, Hana's past had come back to haunt her—a past marked by abuse and neglect, by parents who had failed her in every way imaginable. And when they had finally caught up with her, demanding that she return home and face the consequences of her actions, Hana had fled into the night, leaving Hiroto behind with a heavy heart and a sense of guilt that weighed heavily on his soul.

For years, Hiroto had searched for Hana, hoping against hope that he would find her and make amends for the debt he owed her—for the kindness he had shown her in her time of need. But despite his best efforts, she had remained elusive, her whereabouts unknown and her fate uncertain.

And so, as the years passed and Hiroto's search grew ever more desperate, he had resigned himself to the fact that he might never see Hana again—that she had vanished into the mists of time, leaving behind only memories and regrets.

But then, one fateful day, fate had intervened in the most unexpected of ways—a chance encounter that would change Hiroto's life forever.

It was a quiet afternoon at Sakura Grove, the tea house bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, when a familiar figure had appeared in the doorway—a figure that Hiroto had thought he would never see again.

It was Hana—grown now into a young woman, her face still bearing the scars of her past but her spirit as strong and resilient as ever. And as Hiroto looked into her eyes, he could see the pain and sorrow that lingered there, a reflection of the trials and tribulations she had faced in the years since they had last parted ways.

But amidst the pain and sorrow, there was something else—a glimmer of hope, a spark of determination that burned bright in the depths of Hana's soul. And as she stepped forward into the tea house, her eyes filled with tears and her voice trembling with emotion, she spoke the words that Hiroto had longed to hear for so many years.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry for running away, for leaving you behind when you needed me the most. I owe you a debt that I can never repay, but I want to try—I want to make amends for the pain and suffering I've caused you."

And as Hiroto listened to Hana's words, his heart filled with a sense of gratitude and forgiveness—a sense of peace that he had thought he would never find. For in that moment, he knew that Hana had returned to Sakura Grove not just to seek refuge, but to seek redemption—to repay the debt she owed him and to make amends for the mistakes of her past.

And so, with a sense of determination and purpose, Hiroto and Hana set about rebuilding their lives together, forging a bond that was stronger than any storm. From that day forward, Hana remained at Sakura Grove, working alongside Hiroto to serve the patrons of the tea house with warmth and grace, offering them a respite from the cares of the world and a moment of peace in the midst of their busy lives.

And as the years passed and Sakura Grove flourished under their care, Hiroto and Hana found solace in each other's company, their shared experiences bringing them closer together with each passing day. For in the end, they had found redemption in each other's arms, their bond stronger than any debt that could ever be repaid./Top of Form