SIVR-294 【VR】 "You're Not Allowed To Ejaculate Until We Cum Together" That Statement Was Made As Aika Yumeno Slowly Teases Ejaculation Timely Manageme

Movie Information:

ID Code: SIVR-294

Release Date: 06/10/2023

Category: Censored , Big boob , Big ass , Big Butt , Slut , JOI , Beautiful Girl , VR

Actress: Yumeno Aika


Studio Label: S1 NO.1 STYLE

Online stream:



Yumeno Aika had always been a woman of boundless imagination and creativity. She saw life as a series of adventures waiting to unfold, and her husband, Takashi, was the willing accomplice in her quest to add a touch of magic to their everyday lives. Recently, however, the weight of life's responsibilities had cast a shadow over Takashi's spirit, and Aika was determined to bring back the sparkle in his eyes.

It had been a challenging year for the couple. Takashi had been working tirelessly at his demanding job, and the mounting stress had taken a toll on his enthusiasm and zest for life. Aika watched with a heavy heart as her husband, once the embodiment of joy and spontaneity, became increasingly consumed by the monotony of daily routines.

One evening, as Aika browsed through an old travel magazine filled with exotic destinations and breathtaking landscapes, she had an idea that filled her heart with excitement. She decided to plan a surprise adventure for Takashi—a day filled with wonder and enchantment that would rekindle the spirit of adventure they had shared in their early days.

The planning began in secret. Aika reached out to a close friend who was an event planner, enlisting her help in crafting an unforgettable day for Takashi. Together, they hatched a plan that would keep him guessing until the very last moment.

The day of the surprise arrived. Aika had left a handwritten note for Takashi on the kitchen table, instructing him to dress comfortably and be ready for an adventure. She had also requested that he refrain from any peeking or inquiring about the day's itinerary. It was to be a mystery, a journey into the unknown.

Takashi, intrigued and curious, followed Aika's instructions to the letter. He dressed in comfortable attire and waited patiently in their living room, where a single red rose sat on the coffee table. The room was filled with anticipation and excitement as he wondered what lay ahead.

Just as the clock struck noon, there was a knock at the door. Takashi's heart raced as he rose to answer it. Standing on their doorstep was a driver in a crisp uniform, holding the door to a sleek, chauffeured limousine. Aika emerged from behind the driver, her eyes dancing with delight.

"Welcome to Aika's Surprise Adventure," she announced with a flourish, extending her hand to Takashi.

His eyes widened in astonishment. "Aika, what's all this?"

Aika simply smiled and guided him into the waiting limousine. Inside, soft music played, and a basket filled with delicious sandwiches, fruits, and a bottle of sparkling wine awaited them. The plush leather seats cradled them as the limousine glided through the city streets.

As they journeyed, Aika handed Takashi an envelope. Inside, he found a list of clues that would lead them on a series of exciting and whimsical adventures throughout the day. The first clue guided them to a quaint art studio, where they spent the afternoon painting together, their laughter and creativity rekindling their connection.

Each clue led to a new location or activity, ranging from a surprise visit to an interactive science museum to a peaceful picnic in a sun-dappled park. Aika had carefully curated the experiences to cater to Takashi's love for adventure and discovery.

The day was a whirlwind of surprises and delight, each moment strengthening their bond and reminding them of the joy they found in each other's company. Aika's thoughtful planning and attention to detail had not only cheered up Takashi but had also reignited the sense of wonder and spontaneity that had initially drawn them together.

As the sun began to set, the limousine made its final stop at a serene lakeside retreat. Aika and Takashi stepped out onto a wooden pier, where a small boat awaited them. A rowboat adorned with fairy lights and a bouquet of their favorite flowers in the center.

Takashi couldn't help but smile as he realized where they were heading—a moonlit row on the lake, just the two of them, surrounded by the tranquil beauty of nature.

Under the starry sky, Aika and Takashi rowed in perfect harmony, their hearts entwined as they shared their dreams and aspirations. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, immersed in the magic of the moment.

As they returned to the shore, Takashi pulled Aika close, his eyes filled with gratitude and love. "Aika, you've given me the most incredible day. I can't believe how much thought and effort you put into making me happy."

Aika smiled, her eyes shimmering with emotion. "Takashi, our adventures are far from over. I wanted to remind you that life is full of surprises, and together, we can face anything that comes our way."

They embraced, knowing that the day had been more than a series of surprises—it had been a celebration of their love and the promise of many more adventures to come.

In the quiet of the night, as they headed home in the limousine, Takashi held Aika's hand, feeling the warmth of her love. The weight of life's challenges had lifted, replaced by a sense of wonder and appreciation for the journey they were on together. Aika's surprise adventure had rekindled their spirits, proving that with a touch of imagination and a dash of spontaneity, they could find magic in the everyday and turn even the simplest moments into unforgettable adventures./