SIVR-287 [VR] NO.1 STYLE Seika Ito is Released The New VR! Just Sleeping, I'll Do The Rest. Ceiling Specialization X Nurse X Waisted Body In Super Gr

Movie Information:

ID Code: SIVR-287

Release Date: 23/09/2023

Category: Censored , Lingerie , Nurse , Beautiful Girl , VR , VR Debut

Actress: Itou Seika


Studio Label: S1 NO.1 STYLE

Online stream:



In the heart of bustling Tokyo, amidst the towering skyscrapers and the constant hum of city life, there stood a beacon of exceptional healthcare—the Mitsui General Hospital. It was renowned not only for its state-of-the-art medical facilities but also for its unwavering commitment to its "Customer First" motto.

Patients who entered the hospital were not just treated for their ailments; they were welcomed with warmth and empathy that transcended the conventional doctor-patient relationship. At the heart of this exceptional care was Nurse Ito Seika, a beacon of compassion and professionalism.

Seika was a paragon of the hospital's philosophy, a dedicated nurse who went above and beyond to ensure her patients' well-being. Her journey into the world of healthcare had been inspired by a childhood desire to ease the suffering of others, and she had pursued her calling with unwavering determination.

Every day, Seika would arrive at the hospital with a smile that radiated kindness. She was known for her gentle demeanor and her ability to put even the most anxious patients at ease. Her soothing words and reassuring presence were like a balm for those in pain, and her genuine care extended beyond the physical.

One of the hospital's most memorable patients was Mr. Tanaka, a kind-hearted elderly gentleman who had been a regular visitor for years. His health had gradually declined, and he had come to rely on the Mitsui General Hospital not just for medical care but for the companionship and solace it provided.

Seika had been Mr. Tanaka's primary nurse for quite some time, and the bond between them was heartwarming. She would often sit by his bedside, listening to his stories of days gone by, and offering a compassionate ear to his worries and fears. To Mr. Tanaka, Seika was not just a nurse; she was a friend who had become an essential part of his life.

The hospital's commitment to the "Customer First" motto extended to the overall experience of the patients. The facilities were designed with comfort in mind, from the spacious, sunlit rooms to the serene garden where patients and their families could find solace amidst the bustling city.

Even the hospital's cafeteria was a testament to its dedication to patient satisfaction. The chefs took pride in crafting nutritious and delicious meals that catered to a wide range of dietary preferences and restrictions. Patients could savor meals that not only nourished their bodies but also lifted their spirits.

Seika often accompanied patients to the cafeteria, ensuring that they enjoyed their meals and providing a sense of companionship during their stay. She understood that the healing process extended beyond medical treatment and encompassed emotional support and genuine care.

The hospital's commitment to excellence extended to its medical staff as well. Continuous training and development were encouraged, ensuring that the hospital remained at the forefront of medical advancements. The collaboration between doctors, nurses, and support staff was seamless, creating a cohesive and efficient healthcare ecosystem.

It wasn't just the patients who benefited from Mitsui General Hospital's customer-centric approach; the staff also found fulfillment in their roles. The knowledge that they were making a difference in people's lives, easing their pain, and offering comfort brought a deep sense of purpose to their work.

As the years passed, Mitsui General Hospital continued to thrive as a beacon of exceptional healthcare. Its legacy was not just in its state-of-the-art facilities but in the unwavering commitment of individuals like Nurse Ito Seika, who embodied the hospital's "Customer First" motto with every patient they cared for.

Seika's journey in healthcare had been driven by a childhood desire to ease the suffering of others, and she had found her calling at Mitsui General Hospital. Her compassion, along with the hospital's dedication to exceptional care, had created an environment where patients felt not just healed but truly cared for, and where healthcare was a testament to the beauty of empathy and kindness./