SAVR-325 【VR】 At The Hotel After Works...Deep Titty Fuck. Waka Misono, A Simple Subordinate Who Is Extremely Skilled At Work And Sexual Intercourse, C

Movie Information:

ID Code: SAVR-325

Release Date: 06/04/2024

Category: Censored , Big boob , Office Lady , Slut , VR , Cum Swallow , Hotel

Actress: Misono Waka


Studio Label: KMPVR-Aya-

Online stream:



In the center of the clamoring city, where elevated structures reached out towards the sky and the streets mumbled with the musicality of metropolitan life, there existed a position of business that stayed as a milestone to productivity and viability. Inside its walls worked Misono Waka, a senior office lady whose days were stacked up with get-togethers, deadlines, and the consistent buzz of messages.

Waka was a woman of magnificence and equilibrium, her significant stretches of contribution clear in the definite step with which she investigated the entries of the working environment. She was respected by her accomplices and regarded by her subordinates, her dedication to her work unrivaled and her commitment to significance reliable.

Nonetheless, amidst the disturbance of her master life, Waka wound up yearning for something different — an affiliation that went past the limits of the working environment walls, a bond that would make up for the shortcoming in her heart and give joy to her soul. Subsequently, when she wound up drawn to one of her subordinates, a youthful individual named Takashi, she postponed every step of the way, questionable of how to proceed.

Takashi was a lesser person from the gathering, his vivacious smile and splendid eyes a welcome presence amidst the bluntness of the dreary daily schedule. He was tireless and committed, excitedly for his work that matched Waka's own, and she wound up drawn to him to such an extent that she had never experienced.

As the days changed into weeks and the weeks into months, Waka and Takashi wound up drawn together by a typical energy for their work and a common respect for one another's abilities. They cooperated on projects together, conceptualizing considerations and sharing pieces of information that moved their gathering higher than any time in recent memory of achievement.

In any case, amidst the disarray of their master lives, Waka couldn't shake the tendency that there was one more part between them — an affiliation that went past the constraints of work and reached the genuine profundities of her soul. In this manner, with a sensation of dread and a smidgen of enthusiasm, she invited Takashi to join her for lunch one day, restless to examine the potential results that lay between them.

As they reclined across from each other in the work environment cafeteria, the hustling around of the early afternoon swarm obscuring out of spotlight, Waka felt a sensation of restless assumption wash over her — a vibe of shortcoming that she had never experienced. However, as Takashi smiled vivaciously at her and attracted her in conversation, she felt herself relaxing in his presence, her sensations of anxiety melting away like snow in the springtime sun.

Consequently, with each passing early afternoon rendezvous, Waka and Takashi grew closer, their conversations going from the regularly to the critical, their laughing consuming the space like the ringing of tolls on a pre-summer's day. They shared records of their young lives, dreams for the future, and, shockingly, their most significant fears and vulnerabilities, their bond stretching out over the long haul.

Regardless, amidst the joy and laughing, Waka truly needed to think about whether their relationship could anytime really transcend the constraints of the work environment — a request that weighed enthusiastically on her heart and kept her cognizant around night time. Subsequently, with a need to continue to move and a touch of frenzy, she recommended the point with Takashi one day during lunch, her voice shiver with weakness.

"Takashi," she said gently, her eyes meeting his with a blend of trust and fear. "Anytime do you feel like there's one more part between us? Something that goes past the limits of the working environment?"

Takashi looked at Waka with a sensation of understanding and compassion, his gaze stacked upward with warmth and affection. "Waka," he said carefully, interfacing with fasten her hand with his. "I've felt it also — the affiliation that integrates us, the security that transcends the constraints of work and contacts the genuine profundities of our spirits."

Moreover, around then, as they sat together in the serene seclusion of the cafeteria, Waka understand that she had found what she had been searching for — a friendship that was basically pretty much as significant and remaining as the ocean, an affiliation that would continue on until the end of time. Besides, as they leaned in to share their most significant kiss, their overall environmental factors vanished, leaving only the two of them and the responsibility of a future stacked up with friendship and happiness./