SAVR-255 【VR】 "If It Stays Like This... Do You Want To Do It? ] Intercrural Sex Salon That Is Seduced Makes A Tired Man Pump Up By A Beautiful Ear Whi

Movie Information:

ID Code: SAVR-255

Release Date: 01/07/2023

Category: Censored , Big boob , Slut , JOI , Beautiful Girl , Beauty Salon , VR

Actress: Tanaka Nanami


Studio Label: KMPVR-Aya-

Online stream:


Synopsis: In the heart of Tokyo, amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, there resided a weary man named Hiroshi. Day in and day out, he toiled away in a demanding corporate job that left him drained and fatigued. The weight of responsibilities and the pressure to succeed weighed heavily on his shoulders, leaving him in desperate need of a respite.

One fateful day, Hiroshi stumbled upon a hidden gem—a Japanese salon known for its renowned therapist, Tanaka Nanami. Intrigued by the promising reviews and the prospect of finding solace, Hiroshi decided to step out of his routine and seek rejuvenation at the hands of the talented therapist.

As Hiroshi entered the serene and tranquil salon, he was greeted by the calming scent of essential oils and the gentle melody of soft music. The atmosphere instantly melted away his stress, and he felt a glimmer of hope that this experience would be different from his usual hectic days.

Tanaka Nanami, with her striking beauty and warm smile, welcomed Hiroshi with genuine kindness. Her presence exuded a sense of tranquility, and Hiroshi felt an instant connection. As they began their session, Hiroshi shared the weariness that had settled deep within his soul, while Tanaka listened attentively, understanding the weight he carried.

With skilled hands and a soothing touch, Tanaka worked her magic, kneading away the knots of tension in Hiroshi's body. Every stroke, every gentle pressure seemed to release the stress that had accumulated over time. As the minutes ticked by, Hiroshi felt a wave of relaxation washing over him, cleansing his mind and rejuvenating his spirit.

Beyond the physical aspect, it was the therapeutic conversations with Tanaka that truly nourished Hiroshi's weary soul. She listened intently as he poured out his hopes, dreams, and frustrations. With empathy and wisdom, she offered guidance and encouragement, helping Hiroshi gain a fresh perspective on his challenges.

Throughout their sessions, Hiroshi found himself not only revitalized but also inspired by Tanaka's unwavering passion for her craft. Her dedication to healing others and providing a safe haven for their weary souls ignited a spark within him. He realized that he too wanted to make a difference in people's lives, to bring them solace and joy in their darkest moments.

As weeks turned into months, Hiroshi's visits to the salon became more than just a source of relaxation. They became a sanctuary where he found solace, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose. With each encounter, he felt his tiredness dissipate, replaced by newfound energy and a determination to create a better future.

Tanaka Nanami, the beautiful therapist, had unknowingly become not just a healer of tired muscles but also a catalyst for Hiroshi's personal transformation. She had given him the gift of rejuvenation, guiding him towards a path of self-discovery and renewed passion.

From that day forward, Hiroshi vowed to embrace life with open arms, cherishing the moments of tranquility and seeking balance amidst the chaos. And whenever he felt the weariness creeping back, he knew that a visit to the Japanese salon and the gentle touch of Tanaka Nanami would bring him back to a state of serenity and rejuvenation.