HNVR-112 [VR] I Made An Unfaithful Wife Fall In Love With Me, And Then I Fucked Her Raw. Cheated On A Spot And Had Creampie Sex With Her Drunken, Hear

Movie Information:

ID Code: HNVR-112

Release Date: 12/11/2023

Category: Censored , Married Woman , Cuckold , VR , Beautiful Legs , Hotel

Actress: Tsukino Runa


Studio Label: Honnaka

Online stream:



In the heart of Tokyo, where the city lights painted the night in hues of neon, Runa Tsukino, a dedicated and ambitious female executive, found herself standing on a deserted platform, watching as the last train of the night disappeared into the distance. It was an unexpected turn of events, a hiccup in her meticulously planned routine, and yet, it held the promise of an adventure she hadn't anticipated.

Runa, with her tailored suit and air of authority, was known for her unwavering commitment to her career. However, as the train taillights flickered into darkness, she realized that even the most meticulous plans could be subject to the whims of circumstance. The late-night meeting had run longer than expected, and now, stranded at the station, Runa faced a choice — find an alternative way home or embrace the unexpected detour.

With a sigh, Runa reached for her phone, scrolling through her contacts. Amid the list of names, one stood out — Yuki Tanaka, a longtime friend and confidante. Yuki lived nearby and had always been the go-to person in moments of uncertainty. With a quick call, Runa explained her predicament, and Yuki, ever the gracious host, insisted that Runa stay the night at her apartment.

As the taxi wove through the city streets, Runa couldn't help but marvel at the transformation of Tokyo after dark. The bustling energy of the daytime had given way to a quieter, more contemplative atmosphere. The city lights twinkled like stars, and the distant hum of traffic created a lullaby for the urban night.

Yuki's apartment, nestled in a quiet neighborhood, welcomed Runa with a warm glow. Yuki, with a genuine smile, greeted Runa at the door, her casual attire a stark contrast to Runa's business elegance. The apartment, though modest in size, exuded a sense of comfort and familiarity.

"Runa-chan, I'm so glad you called! Make yourself at home," Yuki said, ushering Runa into the cozy living room.

As Runa settled on the couch, she couldn't shake the feeling of being a fish out of water. The plush cushions, the mismatched throw pillows, and the overall relaxed ambiance were a far cry from the polished boardrooms and sleek office spaces she navigated daily. Yet, there was an undeniable charm to Yuki's home, a reflection of her friend's laid-back personality.

Over cups of hot tea, Yuki and Runa reminisced about their college days, a time when dreams were woven with the threads of uncertainty. Yuki, now a freelance artist, had embraced a path less conventional, while Runa had climbed the corporate ladder with determination. Their journeys had diverged, yet their friendship remained a constant.

As the conversation flowed, Runa found herself opening up about the pressures of her demanding job, the sacrifices made for success, and the occasional yearning for a life less governed by deadlines and meetings. Yuki listened with empathy, her genuine understanding bridging the gap between their contrasting worlds.

"You know, Runa-chan, sometimes life throws these curveballs at us to remind us of the things that truly matter," Yuki mused, her eyes reflecting a wisdom born of embracing the unpredictable.

As the night wore on, Yuki insisted that Runa take the guest bedroom. The room, adorned with Yuki's vibrant artwork, offered a serene sanctuary. Runa, surrounded by colors and shapes that seemed to dance on the canvas, felt a subtle shift within her — a loosening of the tightly wound threads that defined her professional identity.

In the morning, as the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, Runa awoke to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Yuki, with a cheerful demeanor, had prepared a simple breakfast. The two friends, in their pajamas, shared a leisurely morning, the constraints of time and obligation momentarily forgotten.

As Runa prepared to leave, Yuki handed her a small package. "For the journey ahead," she said with a twinkle in her eye.

Runa unwrapped the package to find a handmade scarf, its colors a kaleidoscope of warmth. Yuki explained that she had created it during a burst of creative inspiration the previous night, a tangible reminder of the unexpected beauty that could emerge from the unplanned moments of life.

With a heartfelt embrace, Runa thanked Yuki for her hospitality and the unexpected gift. As she stepped out into the crisp morning, the scarf wrapped around her, Runa felt a newfound lightness. The city, which had seemed imposing and relentless the night before, now embraced her with the promise of endless possibilities.

As she rode the train back to her apartment, Runa couldn't help but reflect on the serendipity of the previous night. The missed train, the impromptu stay at Yuki's, and the gift of a handmade scarf — each moment had woven a tapestry of connection and renewal.

Back in the familiar surroundings of her apartment, Runa carried with her the lessons of the unexpected detour. The polished exterior of the businesswoman now bore the subtle imprint of a more relaxed, open-hearted version of herself.

In the days that followed, Runa approached her career with a renewed sense of balance. The vibrant scarf became a talisman, a reminder that life's most profound moments often unfolded when one relinquished the illusion of control.

Yuki, too, found inspiration in the fleeting encounter. As she returned to her canvas, she painted with a newfound energy, the colors mirroring the vibrant essence of the friendship that had blossomed in the unlikeliest of moments.

And so, in the heart of Tokyo, where the urban rhythm played on, Runa Tsukino and Yuki Tanaka carried forward the echoes of a night that had blurred the lines between their worlds. The missed train had become a journey of connection, laughter, and the unexpected beauty that flourished in the spaces between meticulously planned moments./