OYCVR-085 【VR】 My Room Is A Hangout For Runaway Girls! Something I Never Dislikes It And Won't Complain. No Matter How Many Times They Naughty Puts It

Movie Information:

ID Code: OYCVR-085

Release Date: 01/06/2024

Category: Censored , Highschool girl , Slut , Harem , VR , Gyaru

Actress: Amateur


Studio Label: Oyashoku Company / M

Online stream:



The soft buzz of chatter and the hum of the school bell marked the end of another day at Hoshizora High School. Situated just a short walk from the campus was a quaint residential area where five inseparable friends frequently spent their afternoons. These five high school ladies, Ayaka, Mio, Rina, Yui, and Haruka, had a unique tradition—they would gather at the home of their classmate and close friend, Kaito, who lived conveniently next to the school.

Chapter 1: A Daily Routine

Kaito’s house had become a second home to the girls. Every day after classes, they would walk together to his place, their laughter and banter filling the air. Kaito’s house was warm and inviting, a cozy refuge where they could unwind, share stories, and study together. His parents were often busy with work, leaving the place mostly to themselves, which suited their close-knit group perfectly.

Ayaka, the responsible one, would often remind everyone about their homework. Mio, with her playful nature, would bring snacks she’d made in cooking class. Rina, the bookworm, would suggest novels and help with literature assignments. Yui, the sporty one, would talk about the latest school events and matches. And Haruka, the artistic soul, would sketch their moments together, capturing their bond in her drawings.

Chapter 2: Building Bonds

One chilly autumn afternoon, the group arrived at Kaito’s house, ready to tackle a particularly tough history assignment. As they settled in, Kaito set out cups of hot cocoa, a gesture that had become part of their routine.

“Alright, let’s get started,” Ayaka said, spreading out her notes. “We need to finish this before we can relax.”

Mio groaned dramatically but pulled out her textbook, while Rina adjusted her glasses and began flipping through pages. Yui and Haruka, however, were already immersed in a conversation about the upcoming school festival.

“Kaito, you’re helping us with the booth, right?” Yui asked, nudging him playfully.

Kaito smiled, nodding. “Of course. Anything for you guys.”

Chapter 3: Moments of Joy

Despite their busy schedules, the group always found time for fun. One spring afternoon, they decided to have a picnic in Kaito’s backyard. Mio had prepared a delicious spread of sandwiches, fruit, and homemade cookies. Haruka brought along her sketchpad, ready to capture the day’s memories.

As they sat on a large blanket, enjoying the warm sunshine, they shared stories and dreams. Rina talked about her desire to become a novelist, Ayaka about her plans to study medicine, Mio about opening her own bakery, Yui about pursuing sports, and Haruka about attending art school.

“Kaito, what about you?” Ayaka asked, her eyes curious.

Kaito paused, looking around at his friends. “I just want to make sure we all stay together, no matter where life takes us.”

His words touched everyone, and they promised to always support each other, no matter the distance or the challenges they might face.

Chapter 4: The Unexpected Challenge

One winter day, Kaito received news that his parents had to relocate for work, meaning he would be moving away. The announcement cast a shadow over their usually cheerful gatherings. The girls were heartbroken but determined to make their remaining time together unforgettable.

“We’ll make the most of it,” Yui said, her voice firm. “We still have a few months before you leave.”

They organized various activities, from movie nights to weekend trips, creating lasting memories. Haruka drew a beautiful portrait of the group, which they framed and gave to Kaito as a parting gift. Rina wrote heartfelt letters, while Ayaka compiled a scrapbook of their best moments. Mio baked a special cake for their farewell party, each layer representing the years they had spent together.

Chapter 5: The Farewell

On Kaito’s last day, they gathered at his house one final time. The atmosphere was bittersweet as they reminisced about their journey together.

“We’ll stay in touch every day,” Ayaka promised, her eyes glistening with tears.

“And visit each other during holidays,” added Rina, her voice trembling.

Mio handed Kaito a box of his favorite cookies, while Yui gave him a sports jersey signed by the group. Haruka’s portrait hung prominently in Kaito’s room, a constant reminder of their bond.

As they hugged and said their goodbyes, they knew that distance could never weaken their friendship. They had shared countless moments, supported each other through thick and thin, and created memories that would last a lifetime.

Chapter 6: New Beginnings

Months passed, and the girls adjusted to life without Kaito nearby. They kept their promise, staying in touch through messages, video calls, and visits. Each time they spoke, it was as if no time had passed at all.

One summer, Kaito surprised them by returning for a visit. The reunion was filled with joy, laughter, and tears. They spent every moment catching up, reliving old memories, and creating new ones.

“Even though we’re apart, it feels like nothing has changed,” Kaito said, smiling at his friends.

Ayaka nodded. “That’s because our bond is unbreakable. No matter where we are, we’ll always have each other.”


Years later, as they pursued their respective dreams, the group remained as close as ever. They supported each other through college, careers, and life’s ups and downs. Their tradition of gathering at Kaito’s house had evolved into annual reunions, where they celebrated their enduring friendship.

Through it all, they remembered those high school days fondly, the times spent at Kaito’s house serving as the foundation of their unbreakable bond. And no matter how far life took them, the five ladies and their neighboring boyfriend knew they would always be there for each other, just as they had been since the beginning./