NKKVR-066 [VR] I'm Coming! ! (Ultra-sensual Tracking Device) Anyone Could Use It. What If You Do It With A Strong Woman With An Explosive Body... Akar

Movie Information:

ID Code: NKKVR-066

Release Date: 29/09/2023

Category: Censored , Big boob , Big ass , Big Butt , Slut , Beautiful Girl , VR , Sleep Sex , Convulsion Sex , Sex Toy

Actress: Niimura Akari


Studio Label: Meat Kyun Paradise V

Online stream:



In the heart of Tokyo, a city that pulsed with energy and dreams, there lived a star named Akari Niimura. Her name was whispered with reverence, and her face adorned posters, billboards, and the screens of countless adoring fans. Akari was more than just an idol; she was an ethereal presence, a symbol of hope and beauty. Her voice was a sweet melody that could mend broken hearts, and her smile was a radiant beacon that lit up even the darkest corners of the world.

But despite the fame and fortune, Akari yearned for something more. She longed for a respite from the blinding lights of stardom, an escape from the relentless demands of her career. The constant whirlwind of concerts, photoshoots, and interviews left her exhausted and craving solitude.

One sweltering summer evening, after a particularly grueling concert, Akari returned to her luxurious penthouse apartment. The city outside her window buzzed with life, but she felt detached from it all. Sleep, however, remained elusive. She tossed and turned, her mind a chaotic storm of thoughts and worries. The pressure of her stardom weighed heavy on her shoulders.

Hours ticked by, and Akari's frustration grew. She flipped through the channels on her TV in search of distraction, but nothing held her interest. Her heart ached for a break, for a chance to be free from the constant scrutiny and expectations.

As the night deepened, exhaustion finally overcame her. Akari drifted into a deep slumber, her body collapsing onto the plush mattress. Unbeknownst to her, the moment her eyes closed marked the beginning of a surreal and magical journey beyond her wildest dreams.

In her dreams, Akari found herself standing alone in a vast, otherworldly landscape. The sky above was a velvety tapestry adorned with stars, each one closer and more vivid than any she had ever seen. She felt weightless, as if she were floating among the constellations themselves.

Then, a voice, gentle yet commanding, echoed through the cosmic expanse. "Welcome, Akari Niimura, to the Dreaming Galaxy."

Startled, Akari looked around, her eyes searching for the source of the voice. But there was no one to be seen. All around her, the stars seemed to twinkle knowingly, as if they held a secret.

The voice spoke again, "In this dream, you are not the idol; you are the dreamer. Here, you will experience a special movie of your life, where all you need to do is sleep."

Curiosity and wonder filled Akari's heart, and she nodded in acquiescence. In an instant, the dream transformed. She watched herself, not as the world-famous Akari Niimura, but as an ordinary girl named Yumi.

Yumi led a simple, yet fulfilling life. She worked in a cozy bookstore nestled in a quiet neighborhood, surrounded by shelves filled with stories waiting to be discovered. Her days were spent helping customers find the perfect book, and her evenings were dedicated to stargazing with friends in a nearby park. The laughter of her companions was infectious, and the starlit nights were filled with warmth and wonder.

Akari observed Yumi's life unfold with a sense of tranquility she hadn't felt in years. Yumi's friendships were genuine and unwavering, her laughter unburdened by fame, and her love life was marked by the kind of tenderness and simplicity that Akari had only dreamed of.

In this dream, Yumi's world was a sanctuary of peace and authenticity. There were no paparazzi, no screaming fans, and no relentless schedule. Instead, there were quiet moments of introspection, shared laughter over cups of tea, and the comforting embrace of a loving partner.

As the dream continued, Akari marveled at the beauty of Yumi's life. It was a life far removed from the glamorous chaos of her own, and yet, it felt strangely comforting. She saw Yumi's unwavering dedication to her bookstore, the joy she found in recommending books that touched people's hearts, and the way she cherished the simple pleasures of life.

The dream unfolded like a movie, capturing moments of Yumi's life, each one more poignant than the last. Akari watched as Yumi's friendships deepened, as her love blossomed, and as she discovered the profound beauty of the night sky.

In this dream, Akari experienced the passage of time as Yumi did. She watched as seasons changed, as the bookstore's shelves filled and emptied, and as the stars above shifted in the night sky. It was a life lived in the present, each moment cherished for its own sake.

As the dream neared its end, Akari felt a profound sense of contentment wash over her. She had experienced a life so different from her own, a life of simplicity, love, and authenticity. It was a life she had yearned for in the depths of her heart.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the dream began to fade. The stars above grew dim, and Akari felt herself drifting back to consciousness. As she awoke in her penthouse apartment, she couldn't help but smile. Though the dream had ended, its impact lingered within her.

In the days that followed, Akari found herself changed. She approached her career with a newfound sense of balance, taking time for herself and nurturing her relationships with friends and loved ones. She even started stargazing on her own, finding solace in the beauty of the night sky.

Akari Niimura remained a star, but now, she also held the wisdom of a dreamer. She knew that life was not just about the dazzling lights of fame; it was about the moments of connection, the laughter, and the love that filled the spaces between. And whenever she needed a reminder of the simpler joys in life, all she had to do was close her eyes and return to the Dreaming Galaxy, where she could once again be Yumi, the girl who found happiness in the ordinary./