HNVR-131 [VR] A Full Female Student In Health Checkup Become Boob Sexual Harassment Creampie While Listening To The Voice Of The Naughty JK Student

Movie Information:

ID Code: HNVR-131

Release Date: 18/10/2023

Category: Censored , Big boob , Highschool girl , Plain Looking Girl , VR

Actress: Ayase Kokoro


Studio Label: Honnaka

Online stream:



Ayase Kokoro was an ordinary high school student, navigating the turbulent waters of adolescence with grace and determination. She lived in a small town, nestled between lush hills and a serene river. Each morning, she awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the warm rays of the sun gently caressing her face. It was a picturesque life, but Ayase, like any other teenager, faced the trials and tribulations of youth.

One crisp morning, her school announced that it was time for the annual health check-up. Students gathered in the gymnasium, a hushed excitement filling the air as they waited their turn to be examined. For Ayase, this day was no different from the others, a routine she'd become accustomed to.

As she sat in the gymnasium, Ayase couldn't help but glance around at her classmates. She saw the spectrum of teenage emotions displayed across their faces: nervousness, curiosity, and, for some, indifference. The health check-up was a rite of passage, a reminder of their ever-changing bodies.

When Ayase's name was called, she followed the nurse to a curtained area, where she was asked to change into a white gown. As she put it on, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of self-consciousness. Her teenage self-doubts and insecurities were momentarily magnified. She was just a regular girl, nothing out of the ordinary, and this simple gown emphasized her vulnerability.

The check-up proceeded with standard procedures—height, weight, vision test, and dental exam. The nurse moved efficiently through the process, ticking off boxes on her clipboard. Ayase maintained her composure, having grown used to these annual rituals.

But then came the moment of truth, the part of the check-up that filled many students with trepidation: the scoliosis examination. Ayase stood up, facing the wall, and the nurse began to check her spine's alignment. She felt the gentle pressure of the nurse's hands against her back.

As the nurse's fingers traced the curves of her spine, Ayase couldn't help but think about how she'd changed over the years. She remembered the days of playing in the river with her childhood friends, building sandcastles and chasing fireflies in the evening. Those innocent days seemed so distant now, replaced by the complexities of teenage life.

The nurse completed the examination and Ayase returned to her seat, where she would await the results. It was a time of anticipation and reflection. She watched her classmates, each going through their own check-ups, and wondered what secrets their bodies held.

When the results were finally handed out, Ayase was relieved to find that she was healthy and within the normal range for her age. But as she looked around at her classmates, she couldn't help but notice the variety of outcomes. Some students received good news, while others were faced with the challenges of managing health conditions. The diversity of their experiences reminded her that each person carried their own unique story.

After the check-up, Ayase returned to her daily routine. She attended classes, participated in club activities, and spent time with her friends. The health check-up became a distant memory, a fleeting moment in the larger tapestry of her life.

As the years went by, Ayase continued to grow and change. She faced academic challenges, discovered her passions, and formed deep connections with her friends. Her teenage insecurities slowly faded, replaced by a sense of self-assuredness and purpose.

One day, as Ayase prepared to graduate from high school, she stumbled upon her old health check-up results. It was a moment of reflection, a chance to look back on her journey from that anxious teenager in a white gown to the confident young woman she had become.

The health check-up had been a microcosm of life itself—a series of experiences, challenges, and uncertainties that had shaped her. It had taught her that vulnerability was not a weakness but a part of being human. It had reminded her of the resilience and strength that could be found within, even in the face of the unknown.

With a smile, Ayase folded up the old results and placed them back in the drawer. She was no longer the girl she used to be. She was now a young woman ready to embark on a new chapter, full of dreams and aspirations. The health check-up had been a small part of her story, a moment in time that had helped her grow and discover the strength within herself.

As Ayase walked towards the future, she carried with her the lessons of the past—the understanding that life was a continuous journey, and every experience, no matter how ordinary, contributed to the person she had become. And so, she stepped forward with confidence, embracing the beautiful unpredictability of life, one check-up at a time./