DSVR-01349 [VR] Special Training In An Invisible Chair With A 3cm Tip Of The Women's Basketball Club! I Can't Stand The Jiggling Of My Ass And She Goe

Movie Information:

ID Code: DSVR-01349

Release Date: 01/10/2023

Category: Censored , Naughty Game , VR , Bloomers , Beautiful Legs , Sport

Actress: Hibino Uta


Studio Label: SOD Create

Online stream:



Hibino Uta was not your average high school student. She was a member of the prestigious Mizuki High School volleyball team, a powerhouse in the world of high school sports. The team was renowned for its consistent victories, championship titles, and a legacy of excellence. But for Uta, being a part of this illustrious team was just the beginning of her journey.

Uta was a spirited girl, known for her boundless energy and unyielding determination. Her passion for volleyball was unmatched, and her teammates often marveled at her relentless drive to improve, even in the face of success.

One sunny afternoon, as the Mizuki High School volleyball team practiced on the sun-drenched court, Uta couldn't help but feel a restless energy coursing through her. The team's coach, Coach Sato, had just praised them for their recent victory, but Uta knew there was more work to be done.

After practice, while her teammates relaxed and chatted, Uta approached Coach Sato with a proposal. "Coach, I've been thinking," she began, her eyes filled with determination. "I want to introduce a new training regimen to help us improve even further."

Coach Sato, a seasoned coach with a reputation for nurturing talent, was intrigued. He recognized Uta's unwavering dedication and decided to hear her out. "Go on, Uta. What do you have in mind?"

Uta shared her vision for a specialized training program that focused on individual skills. She believed that by honing each player's strengths and addressing their weaknesses, the team as a whole would become even stronger. Coach Sato was impressed by Uta's insight and agreed to give it a try.

And so, Uta's new training program was launched. It was rigorous, demanding, and pushed each player to their limits. But Uta's teammates trusted her vision and were willing to put in the hard work. The Mizuki High School volleyball team embarked on a journey of growth and self-discovery, with Uta leading the charge.

As weeks turned into months, the results of Uta's training regimen became evident. The team's serving and receiving improved, and their coordination on the court reached new heights. They were no longer just a team; they were a well-oiled machine, working in perfect harmony.

But Uta's ambition didn't stop there. She knew that true greatness required more than just physical prowess; it demanded mental fortitude and teamwork. She introduced mindfulness and visualization exercises to help her teammates stay focused and composed during high-pressure matches.

One evening, under the twinkling stars, Uta gathered her teammates for a special training session. They sat in a circle on the court, their eyes closed, as Uta led them through a guided meditation. She encouraged them to visualize their goals, to see themselves making the perfect spike, or executing a flawless block.

The session left the team feeling rejuvenated and mentally prepared for the challenges ahead. Uta's dedication to their holistic growth was paying off, not just in their performance on the court, but also in their unity as a team.

As the school volleyball championship approached, Mizuki High School found itself facing formidable opponents. Uta's training had given her teammates an edge, but they knew they had to bring their A-game to secure victory.

The championship match was an intense battle, filled with thrilling rallies and heart-stopping moments. The opposing team was fierce, but Mizuki High School's teamwork, honed skills, and mental fortitude shone through. Uta, with her powerful spikes and unwavering spirit, became a source of inspiration for her teammates.

In the final moments of the match, with the score tied, Uta found herself in a position to make the game-winning spike. The pressure was immense, but she remained calm and focused, her mind clear from the visualization exercises she had introduced.

With a powerful leap, Uta soared through the air, her eyes locked on the ball. She timed her jump perfectly and unleashed a spike that seemed to defy gravity. The ball sailed over the net, landing squarely in the opponent's court, securing the championship victory for Mizuki High School.

The crowd erupted in cheers, and Uta's teammates rushed to embrace her. They had achieved the pinnacle of success, and Uta's leadership and innovative training methods had played a pivotal role in their victory.

In the aftermath of their championship win, Uta's teammates expressed their gratitude for her unwavering commitment to their growth. They acknowledged that it wasn't just about winning titles; it was about becoming better individuals and a stronger team.

Uta, with tears of joy in her eyes, thanked her teammates for their trust and dedication. She knew that their journey was far from over, and they had many more challenges to face. But with their indomitable spirit and the leadership of Uta, they were ready to conquer whatever came their way.

As they celebrated their victory under the starlit sky, Uta couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought them here. She had learned that true success wasn't just about winning trophies, but about the growth and bonds formed along the way. The Mizuki High School volleyball team, led by Uta's unwavering determination and innovative training methods, had become more than just champions; they were a testament to the power of teamwork, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence./