AJVR-222 【VR】 Reverse Bunny Fun! "Is This Place Really For Mens?" A Reverse Bunny Costume With Focus Bare Breasts That Is Clearly Inviting & A Nurturi

Movie Information:

ID Code: AJVR-222

Release Date: 06/03/2024

Category: Censored , Big boob , Slut , Soapland , VR , OIL SEX , Bunny

Actress: Aizuki Himari


Studio Label: Alice Japan

Online stream:



In the heart of the bustling city, where the neon lights painted the streets with a vibrant glow, there existed a unique haven called "Cosplay Bliss." Aizuki Himari, known for her captivating portrayals of various characters, had transformed this place into a sanctuary where the magic of cosplay met the healing art of therapy.

Aizuki, a skilled therapist with a passion for bringing joy to others, had recently unveiled a new concept – a bunny-themed cosplay therapy session. The idea was simple yet enchanting: clients seeking a blend of relaxation and whimsy could step into a world where Aizuki, adorned in a charming bunny costume, would guide them through a therapeutic journey.

One such evening, you found yourself drawn to the allure of Cosplay Bliss. Intrigued by the idea of a bunny therapist and eager to experience the unique blend of fantasy and healing, you entered the cozy establishment. The ambiance was a delightful fusion of soothing colors and the enchanting energy of cosplay.

Aizuki, donned in a meticulously crafted bunny costume with ears that twitched playfully, welcomed you with a warm smile. The room, adorned with soft cushions and whimsical decorations, felt like a portal into a world where imagination and therapy coexisted harmoniously.

"Welcome to Cosplay Bliss! I'm Aizuki Himari, your bunny therapist for the evening. How may I make your time here enchanting?" Aizuki's voice, gentle and inviting, resonated with a sense of warmth and genuine care.

You, still captivated by the novelty of the experience, expressed your curiosity about the bunny therapy session. Aizuki, with a twinkle in her eye, explained the concept – a personalized therapy journey guided by the playful spirit of bunny cosplay.

As you settled onto a plush cushion, Aizuki initiated the session with a series of relaxation techniques. The soothing sound of her voice, combined with the whimsical aura of the bunny costume, created an atmosphere of comfort and intrigue. Aizuki encouraged you to share your thoughts, dreams, and any challenges you wished to explore.

The bunny therapist, with a blend of professionalism and playful charm, navigated through the conversation. She seamlessly integrated elements of fantasy into the therapeutic process, using the bunny persona to create a bridge between reality and imagination. As the session progressed, Aizuki's bunny ears twitched in sync with the lively exchange of ideas.

The bunny therapy session extended beyond traditional boundaries, incorporating activities that brought joy and spontaneity. Aizuki, embodying the spirit of a caring bunny, guided you through visualizations that transported the mind to whimsical landscapes. Together, you explored enchanted forests, danced with imaginary creatures, and reveled in the freedom of creative expression.

In the heart-to-heart discussions, Aizuki shared tales of her cosplay adventures and the transformative power of embracing different personas. The bunny costume, far from being a mere accessory, became a symbol of the therapeutic journey – a reminder that healing could manifest in the most imaginative and joyful forms.

As the session neared its conclusion, Aizuki unveiled a surprise element – a basket of colorful eggs, each containing a handwritten message or affirmation. The bunny therapist encouraged you to choose an egg, symbolizing a takeaway from the session that resonated with your heart.

You selected an egg, and as you cracked it open, a small piece of paper revealed an uplifting message: "Embrace the magic within and let your dreams hop to new heights." Aizuki, delighted by the synchronicity, shared a final moment of laughter and gratitude.

As you left Cosplay Bliss, the city's neon lights seemed to shimmer with newfound radiance. The bunny therapy session, an enchanting blend of cosplay and healing, had left an indelible mark on your heart. Aizuki's unique approach, fueled by creativity and compassion, had transformed the traditional concept of therapy into a captivating journey of self-discovery.

In the days that followed, you found yourself carrying the lessons from the bunny therapy session into your everyday life. The playful spirit, the joy of imagination, and the belief in the transformative power of embracing different facets of oneself became guiding principles. Aizuki Himari, the bunny therapist who had blended fantasy with therapy, had not only created a memorable experience but had also sparked a ripple effect of positivity and inspiration.

In the heart of the city, where dreams and reality converged, Cosplay Bliss continued to be a haven for those seeking a touch of magic in their therapeutic journey. Aizuki Himari, with her bunny ears and compassionate soul, remained a beacon of creativity, proving that sometimes, healing comes in the form of a playful hop into the world of imagination and self-discovery./Top of Form