VRKM-01183 [VR] A Company Warehouse Where No One Comes - These Secret Meeting Acme Are Where We Practical Vent Our Anxiety And Sexual Desires Mikana M

Movie Information:

ID Code: VRKM-01183

Release Date: 17/11/2023

Category: Censored , Big boob , Lingerie , Office Lady , Slut , Beautiful Girl , VR , Secret Sex

Actress: Mikana Mii


Studio Label: K.M.Produce

Online stream:



In the bustling metropolis of Tachibana City, amidst the towering skyscrapers and the constant hum of office life, there existed a figure who stood out—a woman named Mikana Mii. Mikana, a strikingly beautiful and accomplished office lady, was a beacon of grace and efficiency in her workplace. Her presence, like a gentle breeze, captivated the attention and admiration of her colleagues.

Mikana's days were a whirlwind of meetings, deadlines, and the constant buzz of office chatter. As the head of the marketing department for a prestigious company, she navigated the corporate landscape with finesse, earning not only professional respect but also genuine affection from those who had the privilege of working alongside her.

Colleagues admired Mikana not only for her sharp intellect and impeccable work ethic but also for the warmth she brought to the office. Her genuine smiles, words of encouragement, and willingness to lend a helping hand created a positive atmosphere that permeated the workplace.

However, amidst the outward radiance and the bustling corporate life, Mikana harbored a secret—a vulnerability that only a select few knew. Despite being a social butterfly at work, Mikana had a deep-seated need for solitude, a desire to retreat into a space of quietude to recharge her energy.

Her sanctuary, an unexpected haven amidst the hustle and bustle of the office building, was the storage warehouse on the top floor. While the warehouse typically housed office supplies and seldom-visited archives, Mikana discovered its hidden potential as a refuge for introspection and solitude.

One day, as the sun dipped below the city skyline, casting a warm glow across the office windows, Mikana found herself retreating to the quiet confines of the warehouse. The dimly lit space, lined with neatly stacked boxes and forgotten office equipment, became her haven—a place where she could escape the demands of the corporate world and embrace the solitude she craved.

Unbeknownst to her colleagues, Mikana had a secret companion in this clandestine retreat—her lover, a person who understood the delicate balance between her social persona and her need for solitude. Together, they created a cocoon of intimacy within the warehouse, a space where Mikana could shed the layers of her public image and simply be herself.

As Mikana stepped into the warehouse, the cool air and the faint scent of cardboard boxes enveloped her like a comforting embrace. She could feel the weight of the day lifting from her shoulders, replaced by a sense of tranquility that only solitude could provide.

Her lover, waiting in the shadows, approached with a gentle smile. "Rough day at the office, Mika?"

Mikana nodded, a grateful expression on her face. "You have no idea. But being here, with you, it's like a breath of fresh air."

Together, they created a makeshift nest amidst the boxes, a cozy corner where they could share stolen moments away from the prying eyes of the office. The warehouse, with its peculiar charm, became a canvas for their shared intimacy—a space where whispers of love mingled with the echoes of silence.

As Mikana settled into the embrace of solitude, her lover began to massage her shoulders—a silent acknowledgment of the burdens she carried and the need for release. The rhythmic motion of skilled hands worked wonders, unraveling the knots of tension that had accumulated throughout the day.

"I don't know how you do it, Mika. You handle the office with such grace, but I see the toll it takes on you," her lover remarked, their voice a soothing melody in the warehouse's quietude.

Mikana sighed, the vulnerability she rarely showed in the office surfacing in this sacred space. "I love my job, and I love the people I work with, but sometimes, the weight of it all becomes overwhelming. This warehouse, and you, provide the escape I need."

In the sanctuary of the warehouse, the outside world seemed to fade away. Mikana's lover, attuned to her moods and unspoken desires, continued the massage with a tenderness that spoke volumes. The air became charged with a quiet intimacy, as if the warehouse itself held its breath, respecting the privacy of the two souls seeking solace within its walls.

As the massage unfolded, Mikana felt the layers of stress peeling away, revealing the core of her being—a woman who, despite her social prowess, craved moments of seclusion to recharge. Her lover, a silent witness to her vulnerability, offered not just physical comfort but a reminder that it was okay to seek refuge in the embrace of solitude.

In the afterglow of their quiet rendezvous, Mikana and her lover sat amidst the boxes, sharing stories, laughter, and the unspoken understanding that bound them together. The warehouse, witness to their clandestine retreats, held the echoes of their whispered confessions and the promise of future moments of solace.

As Mikana emerged from the warehouse, her steps lightened, and her eyes sparkled with a renewed vitality. The corporate world awaited her with its demands and expectations, but within the confines of the storage warehouse, she had found a haven—a space where the dichotomy of her social persona and her need for solitude harmoniously coexisted.

In the days that followed, Mikana continued her role as the beloved office lady, navigating the intricacies of corporate life with her signature grace. Yet, the warehouse on the top floor remained her secret retreat, a sanctuary where she could recharge and rediscover the essence of her true self.

And so, in the heart of Tachibana City, where the pulse of office life resonated through the corridors of steel and glass, Mikana Mii continued her dual existence—a social butterfly in the public eye, and in the solitude of the warehouse, a woman who cherished the intimacy of quiet moments with the one person who understood the delicate balance between her public persona and the sanctuary she found in solitude./