VRKM-01174 [8K VR] An affair Pinup secrets meeting With a beautiful girl who is crazy about blowjobs made me ejaculate over and over again by her sti

Movie Information:

ID Code: VRKM-01174

Release Date: 29/12/2023

Category: Censored , Lingerie , Slut , Beautiful Girl , VR , Cum Swallow , Deep Throating

Actress: Jun Suehiro


Studio Label: K.M.Produce

Online stream:



In the heart of a bustling city, where the ebb and flow of life created a rhythmic dance, Jun Suehiro stood out not for grand gestures or flashy appearances, but for the subtle magic she wove with a simple, intimate act—kissing. Behind her unassuming demeanor lay a talent that had become legendary among those who knew her best.

Jun's love story began in the most ordinary of places—an old bookstore where she often sought refuge among the yellowed pages and the comforting scent of aging paper. It was there that she first laid eyes on Hiroshi, a man whose eyes sparkled with curiosity and whose smile held the promise of endless stories.

Their connection unfolded naturally, like the turning pages of a cherished novel. Hiroshi, a gentle soul with a passion for art, found solace in Jun's quiet presence. Jun, in turn, discovered a kindred spirit who appreciated the beauty in simplicity. As their love blossomed, it became evident that there was something extraordinary about the way Jun expressed her affection.

Kissing, for Jun, was an art form—an intimate language that transcended words. Her lips possessed a tender touch, a warmth that conveyed love in its purest form. Hiroshi, from their very first kiss, felt a connection that went beyond the physical realm. It was as if each kiss carried the weight of their shared memories, dreams, and the unspoken promises of a life intertwined.

Their relationship unfolded against the backdrop of cozy evenings spent in their favorite bookstore, where whispered conversations and stolen kisses became the foundation of their love story. Hiroshi, an artist with a penchant for capturing emotions on canvas, often found himself inspired by the quiet beauty of their moments together.

One day, Hiroshi surprised Jun with a painting—a masterpiece that portrayed the essence of their connection. In the artwork, their lips met in a gentle kiss, surrounded by the soft glow of a reading lamp and the comforting presence of books. It was a tribute to the unique language of love they had crafted together.

As the years passed, Jun's reputation as a masterful kisser became a source of affectionate teasing among their friends. Yet, behind the playful banter, everyone admired the genuine love that emanated from the couple—a love that had stood the test of time and only deepened with each passing day.

Hiroshi, a man of few words, often found himself expressing his feelings through the strokes of a paintbrush or the careful selection of a novel he thought Jun would love. Jun, in her own way, responded with the language she knew best—kisses that spoke volumes, conveying understanding, comfort, and an unwavering commitment.

Their love became a beacon of inspiration, and friends sought their advice on relationships. Jun, with her gentle demeanor, would often share her perspective on the importance of small, meaningful gestures, the value of understanding each other's love languages, and the beauty of keeping the flame alive with moments of genuine connection.

One memorable summer, the couple found themselves on a quiet beach, the sun setting over the horizon in a blaze of warm hues. As they strolled along the shoreline, hand in hand, Jun stopped and turned to Hiroshi. The air was charged with a sense of anticipation as she pulled him into a kiss—a kiss that captured the essence of their journey together.

In that moment, with the salty breeze caressing their faces and the waves serenading their love, Hiroshi felt an overwhelming surge of gratitude. Jun's kisses, he realized, weren't just expressions of affection; they were a testament to the enduring bond they had forged, a bond that withstood the tides of time and the complexities of life.

Their love story reached a milestone as they celebrated their silver anniversary. Friends and family gathered to toast to the couple whose love had become synonymous with devotion. In a quiet moment amid the festivities, Jun and Hiroshi shared a dance under the moonlit sky. As the music played, they swayed to a rhythm that mirrored the cadence of their shared history.

In the hushed embrace of the night, Hiroshi whispered, "Jun, do you remember our first kiss?"

A soft smile graced Jun's lips as she nodded. "Of course, Hiroshi. It was the moment our story truly began."

As the music played on, Jun leaned in, and their lips met in a kiss that spoke of a lifetime of shared dreams, challenges, and unwavering love. It was a kiss that echoed the sentiment expressed in the painting Hiroshi had gifted her—a testament to the beauty of a love story written not in grand gestures but in the tender moments that defined their journey.

And so, in the heart of their enduring love, where each kiss became a brushstroke on the canvas of their shared life, the story of Jun Suehiro and her remarkable talent continued—a tale of a love that flourished in the simplicity of connection and the artistry of a kiss that spoke volumes without uttering a single word./