VRKM-01159 [VR] Lustful Queen Hibiki Otsuki. 200 Minutes Professional COMPLETE BEST Now

Movie Information:

ID Code: VRKM-01159

Release Date: 26/10/2023

Category: Censored , Big boob , Lingerie , Slut , Squirting , VR , Convulsion Sex

Actress: Hibiki Ootsuki


Studio Label: K.M.Produce

Online stream:



Hibiki Otsuki was a wonderful young lady who had a heart spilling over with affection and a profound feeling of dedication to her significant other, Kenji. Their romantic tale was one that had bloomed throughout the long term, and Hibiki's immovable help and care were the foundations of their relationship.

Kenji was a committed and dedicated man who had a requesting position that frequently left him genuinely and sincerely depleted. His extended periods at the workplace and the everyday drive had negatively affected his energy, and he yearned for the solace and comfort of his home.

Hibiki, being very cognizant of her significant other's battles, had made it her central goal to make a safe house for him inside the walls of their home. She believed that Kenji should track down unwinding, euphoria, and love in the valuable minutes they shared.

Her everyday schedule rotated around guaranteeing Kenji's prosperity. Every morning, she got up right on time to set up a good and nutritious breakfast. Kenji's #1 dishes filled the kitchen with the encouraging fragrance of hand crafted cooking. Seeing a warm, good breakfast sitting tight for him gave Kenji the inspiration to begin the day.

As Kenji left for work, Hibiki would see him off with a caring grin and a delicate kiss. She'd help him to take care to remember himself and urge him to remain hydrated over the course of the day. Hibiki accepted that these little motions had a massive effect in Kenji's prosperity.

Over the course of the day, Hibiki tracked down minutes to send Kenji smart messages, little notes of support that lit up his day. A basic "I love you" or "That is no joke" were like encouraging signs in the midst of the difficulties of his work.

In the nights, Hibiki's devotion to her significant other really sparkled. She welcomed him at the entryway with a warm embrace, assisting him with shedding the heaviness of his normal business day. Kenji would sink into the comfortable lounge room, where the feel was loaded up with delicate lighting and alleviating music. A steaming cup of home grown tea or a glass of his #1 wine looked for him.

Hibiki had taken in the specialty of back rub and unwinding methods, and Kenji frequently wound up being blessed to receive relieving back rubs and shoulder kneads. The pressure from his drawn out day would liquefy away under Hibiki's master contact.

Supper was one more chance for Hibiki to communicate her adoration. The eating table was set with their #1 dishes, and she would share accounts of her day, making Kenji chuckle with her humor and appeal. Their supper discussions permitted Kenji to loosen up and interface with his better half in a significant manner.

After supper, the couple would frequently participate in exercises that Kenji saw as unwinding and agreeable. At times, they'd watch a film or read a book together. On different nights, Hibiki would play the piano, her sweet songs occupying the room with tranquility. Kenji loved these minutes as they gave the comfort and restoration he wanted.

As the night attracted to a nearby, Hibiki arranged a hot shower for her better half. The relieving waters, mixed with fragrant oils, offered a last hint of unwinding before sleep time. Kenji frequently communicated the amount he valued this motion, as it assisted him with relinquishing the pressure and stresses that had gathered over the course of the day.

In bed, Hibiki and Kenji would snuggle and share their deepest desires. Hibiki was not only Kenji's significant other; she was his compatriot and his mainstay of help. Her immovable love and care made a place of refuge where Kenji could be helpless and open about his sentiments.

Their relationship was a demonstration of the force of supporting and valuing each other. Hibiki's dedication to her significant other was not a weight but rather a wonderful source of both blessing and pain. She tracked down satisfaction in dealing with Kenji, in improving his life, and in seeing him blissful and loose.

Kenji, thus, was profoundly appreciative for the love and care he got from his better half. Hibiki's day to day ceremonies of affection and backing had changed their marriage into a safe house of comfort and satisfaction. It was a relationship based on shared regard, understanding, and the steadfast conviction that they were better together.

As they floated off to rest, enclosed by one another's arms, Hibiki and Kenji realize that they had tracked down something genuinely extraordinary. Their adoration was an excursion, an experience loaded up with snapshots of care and dedication, and it was a bond that would just develop further with time.

Hibiki Otsuki, the committed spouse who made it her main goal to deal with her significant other, had not recently figured out how to improve his life; she had found the key to a profoundly cherishing and satisfying marriage./