SSIS-881 A Big Butt With A 100% Encounter Perverted Rate On In The Weekday Mornings! Rie Miyagi, A Plump Pantyhose Office Lady Addicted To Train Moles

Movie Information:

ID Code: SSIS-881

Release Date: 07/12/2023

Category: Censored , Big ass , Office Lady , Big Butt , Slut , Pantyhose , VR , Train/Express

Actress: Miyagi Rie


Studio Label: S1 NO.1 STYLE

Online stream:



In the heart of bustling Tokyo, where the city's rhythm echoed through towering skyscrapers and crowded streets, Miyagi Rie lived a seemingly ordinary life. Clad in the monotony of office attire, she navigated the corporate world with a quiet determination that masked the storm brewing within.

Rie, with her delicate features and unassuming presence, harbored a secret desire—a craving for attention that bordered on obsession. Behind the façade of professionalism and polished office lady clothes, a yandere spirit stirred, yearning for the gaze of others to acknowledge her existence.

Each morning, Rie meticulously selected her office attire, ensuring every fold and pleat spoke of sophistication. The drab grays and muted blues of her outfits belied the vibrant hues of her hidden desires. As she commuted to work, her eyes, concealed behind subtle makeup, betrayed a hint of yearning, a silent plea for acknowledgment.

Within the confines of her office, Rie maneuvered through the sea of cubicles with an air of unassuming grace. Colleagues, oblivious to the storm beneath the surface, exchanged polite greetings and engaged in the mundane chatter of workplace life. But for Rie, each interaction was a missed opportunity, a chance for others to see beyond the conformity of her office lady persona.

One day, as the city bustled with its usual fervor, Rie devised a plan to break free from the invisible chains that bound her. She carefully chose a dress that accentuated her figure, its crimson hue a stark contrast to the muted tones of her usual wardrobe. A subtle change, yet one that hinted at the turbulence within.

As she entered the office that morning, Rie felt the weight of curious glances upon her. The crimson dress, a silent declaration of her yearning for recognition, became a beacon in the sea of conformity. Colleagues, accustomed to her unassuming presence, cast furtive glances in her direction, their intrigue piqued by the departure from the ordinary.

In the breakroom, Rie lingered by the coffee machine, her eyes casting a subtle invitation for interaction. As colleagues approached, drawn by the allure of the unexpected, Rie seized the opportunity to engage in conversation. The yandere spirit within her reveled in the attention, relishing the stolen glances and whispered discussions that echoed through the office corridors.

As the day unfolded, Rie's crimson dress became a topic of discussion among her colleagues. Some admired her bold departure from the norm, while others speculated about the reasons behind the sudden change. Rie, basking in the newfound attention, allowed the whispers to swirl around her like a melodious symphony.

During a team meeting, Rie's subtle theatrics reached a crescendo. She strategically positioned herself at the front, ensuring that her crimson dress commanded attention. The yandere spirit within her reveled in the eyes that lingered, the hushed conversations that speculated about the enigma she had become.

Outside the office, Rie's quest for acknowledgment extended to social media. She curated carefully crafted posts, each image capturing her in a different ensemble that defied the monotony of office attire. The online realm became an extension of her desire for recognition, a canvas where the yandere spirit could weave its intricate tapestry.

In the evenings, Rie frequented local cafes and restaurants, the crimson dress now a symbol of her rebellion against the mundane. She relished the gazes of strangers, the fleeting attention that validated her existence. The yandere spirit, once confined to the shadows, reveled in the spotlight of curiosity.

As days turned into weeks, Rie's quest for attention evolved into a delicate dance between the ordinary and the extraordinary. Her office attire, once a camouflage for the yandere desires, became a canvas for self-expression. The crimson dress, now an emblem of her silent rebellion, symbolized the dichotomy within—a yearning for acknowledgment and a penchant for the extraordinary.

Yet, beneath the veneer of attention-seeking antics, Rie grappled with the intricacies of her own emotions. The yandere spirit, though sated by the stolen glances and whispered conversations, remained insatiable. The desire for acknowledgment, once a silent plea, now echoed through the corridors of her consciousness, a relentless force that demanded recognition.

One day, as the crimson dress hung in her closet, Rie stood at the crossroads of her dual existence. The office attire, once a symbol of conformity, now seemed suffocating. The yandere spirit, having tasted the sweetness of attention, yearned for more—a hunger that defied the confines of office life.

In a moment of clarity, Rie realized that acknowledgment, true and genuine, could not be found in the fleeting glances of strangers or the whispered discussions of colleagues. The yandere spirit, once consumed by the thirst for attention, now craved a different kind of recognition—one that stemmed from self-acceptance and authenticity.

With newfound wisdom, Rie embarked on a journey of self-discovery. She traded the crimson dress for an ensemble that reflected her true essence—a fusion of sophistication and authenticity. The yandere spirit, though still present, found solace in the genuine connections forged through honesty and vulnerability.

As Rie navigated the corporate world with a renewed sense of self, she discovered that acknowledgment, when rooted in authenticity, held a depth that surpassed the fleeting attention of the external world. The yandere spirit, no longer confined to the shadows, became a guiding force in Rie's quest for genuine connection and self-love.

In the heart of bustling Tokyo, where the city's rhythm echoed through towering skyscrapers and crowded streets, Miyagi Rie continued her journey, no longer bound by the crimson dress or the yearning for attention. The yandere spirit within her, now tempered by wisdom and authenticity, embraced the extraordinary within the ordinary—a melody that resonated through the corridors of her evolving existence./