SPSB-72 Super Lady: Terror Of The Super Technology Lifeform Machine. Rashi Mizutani

Movie Information:

ID Code: SPSB-72

Release Date: 01/05/2024

Category: Censored , Bloomers , Sex Toy , Raped , Super Sentai

Actress: Mizutani Riasu


Studio Label: Giga

Online stream:



In the bustling city of Neo-Tokyo, where the towering skyscrapers reached for the heavens and the neon lights bathed the streets in a kaleidoscope of colors, there lived a young woman named Mizutani Riasu. By day, she was a mild-mannered office worker, navigating the hectic pace of urban life with ease and grace. But by night, she was something more—a fierce and fearless warrior known as Nova, a super girl heroine tasked with protecting the city from the forces of evil.

With her sleek silver armor and glowing blue eyes, Nova was a force to be reckoned with, her powers granted to her by a mysterious entity from the future. Armed with superhuman strength, agility, and the ability to harness energy from the cosmos itself, she was Neo-Tokyo's last line of defense against the myriad threats that lurked in the shadows.

On a fateful evening, as the city slept soundly beneath a blanket of stars, Nova patrolled the streets with unwavering vigilance, her senses keenly attuned to the slightest hint of danger. But little did she know that a new threat was lurking on the horizon—a sinister robot from the future, programmed with a single directive: to eliminate Nova at any cost.

As Nova soared through the night sky, her keen eyes scanning the city below for any sign of trouble, she was suddenly ambushed by the robot, its metallic form descending from the darkness with a menacing hum. With lightning-fast reflexes, Nova dodged its initial assault, her mind racing as she tried to formulate a plan of attack.

But the robot was relentless, its attacks coming faster and fiercer with each passing moment. Nova fought with all her strength, her fists and feet a blur of motion as she unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, but the robot seemed to anticipate her every move, its mechanical arms deflecting her blows with ease.

As the battle raged on, Nova found herself pushed to her limits, the sheer power and ferocity of the robot overwhelming her defenses. With a desperate lunge, she managed to land a solid blow, sending the robot reeling backwards with a metallic clang.

But before she could press her advantage, Nova suddenly found herself ensnared in a trap—a pulsating energy field that crackled with otherworldly power, trapping her in place and sapping her strength with every passing moment. With each passing second, Nova felt her energy waning, her limbs growing heavy as the relentless assault of the robot continued unabated.

Struggling against the energy field with all her might, Nova fought to break free, her muscles straining and her breath coming in ragged gasps as she strained against the invisible bonds that held her captive. But the energy field was unyielding, its grip tightening around her with each passing moment, threatening to drain her of her very life force.

As she fought against the darkness that threatened to engulf her, Nova's thoughts turned to the people she loved—the friends and family who had supported her through every trial and tribulation. With their faces flashing before her eyes, she drew upon the strength of their love and the bonds that tied them together, finding renewed determination in their unwavering support.

With a final surge of energy, Nova unleashed a burst of cosmic power that shattered the energy field and broke free from her prison, her body soaring through the air with grace and agility as she landed on the ground below, her senses reeling from the intensity of the battle.

But even as she caught her breath and surveyed the scene before her, Nova knew that her fight was far from over. With the robot still at large and the city in peril, she rose to her feet once more, her determination unshakable and her spirit undaunted.

For she knew that as long as evil threatened to engulf her world, she would stand as its guardian—a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness, ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead and protect the people she loved with all her heart./Top of Form