SPSB-69 Video Sentai Chargeman Unlock Mermaid Mission ~Giant Evil Attack! ! First Mermaid Warrior! ! ~

Movie Information:

ID Code: SPSB-69

Release Date: 01/05/2024

Category: Censored , Slut , Visible Panty Line , Gangbang , Super Sentai

Actress: Shichidou Hasumi , Yurikawa Miori


Studio Label: Giga

Online stream:



In the vibrant metropolis of Tokyo, where the hustle and bustle of city life never ceased, two young women stood on the stage of a grand auditorium, their hearts thrumming with excitement and anticipation. Shichidou Hasumi and Yurikawa Miori, kindred spirits since childhood, shared a dream that burned as brightly as the neon lights that adorned the city skyline—to bring their own brand of superhero storytelling to life and captivate audiences far and wide. And on this fateful night, they were poised to unveil their masterpiece—a surprise debut of their new super sentai video that would set the stage for their ascent into stardom.

Hasumi and Miori's journey had been one of resilience and unwavering determination. From the moment they first bonded over their shared love for action-packed adventures and colorful characters, they knew that they were destined for greatness. Together, they had weathered the highs and lows of pursuing their dreams in the competitive world of entertainment, never losing sight of their ultimate goal—to inspire others with their stories and leave a lasting impact on the world.

As they stood side by side on the stage, bathed in the glow of the spotlight, Hasumi and Miori shared a knowing glance, their eyes sparkling with excitement. This was their moment, the culmination of years of hard work and dedication, and they were ready to seize it with both hands.

With a deep breath, Hasumi stepped forward, her voice ringing out with confidence and conviction as she addressed the eager audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for joining us tonight," she began, her words carrying the weight of their shared dreams. "We are thrilled to present to you our latest project—a super sentai video unlike anything you've ever seen before."

As the opening credits rolled and the screen came to life with a burst of color and energy, the audience was immediately drawn into the world of Hasumi and Miori's creation. From the heart-pounding action sequences to the heartfelt moments of camaraderie between the characters, every frame of the video was a testament to their passion and creativity.

But it wasn't just the spectacle of the video that captivated the audience—it was the chemistry between Hasumi and Miori, the palpable sense of friendship and camaraderie that shone through in every scene. As they fought side by side, their movements perfectly synchronized, it was clear that they shared a bond that went beyond mere acting—it was a bond forged in the fires of shared dreams and shared experiences.

As the video reached its thrilling conclusion and the final scene played out, the auditorium erupted into thunderous applause, the audience on their feet cheering and whistling in appreciation. Hasumi and Miori stood side by side, their hearts swelling with pride and gratitude as they took in the outpouring of support from the crowd.

But for Hasumi and Miori, the true reward lay not in the applause or the adulation of the audience, but in the knowledge that they had brought their childhood dreams to life and shared them with the world. As they stepped off the stage and into the warm embrace of their friends and family, they knew that this was just the beginning of their journey—a journey that would take them to heights they had never dared to imagine, and cement their places as the newest heroes of Tokyo's bustling entertainment scene./