SIVR-289 【VR】 Exclusive VR NO.1 STYLE Miyu Kiyohara Unveiled

Movie Information:

ID Code: SIVR-289

Release Date: 08/09/2023

Category: Censored , Big boob , Big ass , Big Butt , Slut , Beautiful Girl , Virtual Girlfriend , VR

Actress: Kiyohara Miyuu


Studio Label: S1 NO.1 STYLE

Online stream:



you found yourself swept up in a whirlwind romance with a rising sensation, Kiyohara Miyuu. She was not just any newcomer to the scene; she was a hot, emerging talent with a bright future ahead, and her dazzling smile had captured your heart from the very beginning.

Your journey together began in a serendipitous encounter at a glamorous industry event. As you locked eyes with Miyuu across the room, you were drawn to her magnetic presence. She was the embodiment of grace and talent, a rising star on the cusp of fame.

Approaching her took a leap of faith, but it was a leap you were willing to make. You introduced yourself, and to your delight, Miyuu greeted you with genuine warmth and a sparkle in her eyes. From that moment on, your lives became intertwined in a love story that would be worthy of the silver screen.

What made your relationship with Miyuu unique was the intensity of your feelings and your shared passion for the world of entertainment. As her career soared, you became her steadfast pillar of support, accompanying her to premieres, cheering her on at auditions, and being there for her during the highs and lows of showbiz.

You cherished the quiet moments together just as much as the glitz and glamour of the industry. In your world, free time meant quality time with Miyuu. Whether it was a cozy movie night at home, a stroll through a park hand in hand, or sharing secrets over late-night snacks, you relished every moment you spent together.

Miyuu, despite her newfound fame, remained grounded and appreciative of your unwavering support. She often said that your love was the anchor that kept her grounded in a world filled with spotlights and applause. You, in turn, admired her talent, resilience, and the dedication she poured into her craft.

In the midst of her busy schedule, Miyuu made sure to carve out time for your relationship. She believed that love should always come first, and she was determined to nurture your connection amid the demands of her career.

Date nights were a cherished tradition for the two of you. Whether it was an intimate dinner at a hidden gem of a restaurant or a spontaneous adventure to a new city, every moment was an opportunity to create memories together.

One particularly special date night took you to a rooftop garden in the heart of the city. The night was clear, and the stars above seemed to shine just for you and Miyuu. Underneath a sky full of constellations, you whispered your dreams and aspirations to each other, sharing the deepest parts of your hearts.

Miyuu's rising fame only added to the allure of your relationship. Paparazzi and fans followed your every move, but you faced it all together, hand in hand. You learned to appreciate the beauty of love in the spotlight, a love that defied the odds and grew stronger with every challenge.

As time passed, Miyuu's star continued to rise, but your love remained constant. Together, you navigated the complexities of fame and the challenges of a demanding industry. Through it all, you found solace and strength in each other's arms, knowing that your love story was the greatest masterpiece of all.

In the heart of the entertainment world, where dreams were made and stars were born, your love with Kiyohara Miyuu was the kind of love that inspired songs, movies, and the hearts of those who believed that true love could shine even brighter than the brightest spotlight./