SAVR-319 [VR] I Look Neat And Tidy On The Outside, But On The Inside, I'm Her Excellent Fan. At A Small Cafe In A Back Alley, I'm A Regular Customer A

Movie Information:

ID Code: SAVR-319

Release Date: 14/03/2024

Category: Censored , Big boob , Beautiful Girl , Plain Looking Girl , VR , Mini skirt , Internet Cafe

Actress: Miyanishi Hikaru


Studio Label: KMPVR-Aya-

Online stream:



In the heart of Tokyo, where the city's pulse throbbed with vibrant energy, nestled a quaint little café called "Sunflower Brews." Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, Sunflower Brews was a sanctuary, a place where time seemed to slow down and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingered in the air like a comforting embrace. And within this haven, amidst the clinking of cups and the soft hum of conversations, worked a young woman named Hikaru Miyanishi.

Hikaru was unassuming, a plain-looking girl with neat, tidy features that seemed to blend effortlessly into the background. With her chestnut hair pulled back into a simple ponytail and her soft brown eyes hidden behind round glasses, she exuded an aura of quiet elegance. She was diligent in her work, gliding gracefully between tables, taking orders with a gentle smile, and serving each cup of coffee with unwavering precision.

Despite her unremarkable appearance, there was something about Hikaru that drew people to her. Perhaps it was the warmth in her eyes or the sincerity in her smile, but customers found themselves returning to Sunflower Brews not just for the coffee but for the chance to catch a glimpse of Hikaru's gentle presence.

One rainy afternoon, as the droplets tapped against the café's windows like a soothing melody, a regular patron named Yuki approached Hikaru with a proposition.

"Hikaru-san," Yuki said, her voice tinged with excitement, "I have an idea. How about we organize a fan event for you?"

Hikaru blinked in surprise, her heart fluttering with disbelief. A fan event? For her?

"But why me?" Hikaru asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Yuki smiled warmly. "Because you're special, Hikaru-san. Your kindness and dedication have touched the hearts of so many people who frequent this café, myself included. We want to show our appreciation for everything you do."

Hikaru's cheeks flushed with warmth, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined that she would be the recipient of such heartfelt affection.

And so, with Yuki's help, plans for Hikaru's fan event were set into motion. Flyers were distributed, social media posts were shared, and word began to spread like wildfire throughout the city. The event would take place at Sunflower Brews, transforming the café into a magical haven where Hikaru would be celebrated for the extraordinary person she was.

As the day of the fan event dawned, Sunflower Brews buzzed with anticipation. The café was adorned with twinkling fairy lights and vibrant bouquets of sunflowers, Hikaru's favorite flower. The air was alive with excitement as patrons eagerly awaited her arrival.

When Hikaru stepped through the café doors, she was greeted by thunderous applause and cheers of adoration. Her heart swelled with emotion as she took in the sight before her, her eyes glistening with tears of joy.

Throughout the day, patrons lined up to express their gratitude to Hikaru, presenting her with handwritten letters and gifts of appreciation. Some shared stories of how her kindness had brightened their darkest days, while others simply thanked her for always making them feel welcome.

But amidst the flurry of activity, it was a quiet moment shared between Hikaru and an elderly gentleman named Mr. Tanaka that touched the hearts of everyone present. Mr. Tanaka had been a regular at Sunflower Brews for years, and Hikaru had always taken the time to listen to his stories and offer him words of encouragement.

"I wanted to give you something, Hikaru-san," Mr. Tanaka said, his voice trembling with emotion as he handed her a small envelope.

Hikaru accepted it with a gentle smile, her curiosity piqued. When she opened the envelope, her eyes widened in astonishment. Inside was a faded photograph of a young couple, their smiles radiant and full of love.

"This is my wife and me," Mr. Tanaka explained, his voice thick with nostalgia. "We used to come to this café every Sunday, just like clockwork. After she passed away, I stopped coming for a while. But then you started working here, and something about your presence reminded me of her. You brought light back into my life, Hikaru-san, and for that, I am eternally grateful."

Tears welled up in Hikaru's eyes as she embraced Mr. Tanaka, her heart overflowing with emotion. In that moment, she realized that her impact extended far beyond the confines of Sunflower Brews. She had touched the lives of countless people simply by being herself, and that was the greatest gift of all.

As the fan event drew to a close and the last of the patrons bid their farewells, Hikaru stood amidst the sea of sunflowers, her heart brimming with gratitude. She may have been a plain-looking girl working as a café waiter, but she had found her own kind of radiance – a radiance that shone brightly in the hearts of those who knew her.

And as she watched the sun set over the city skyline, Hikaru knew that her journey was just beginning. For she had discovered that true beauty lies not in appearances but in the kindness and compassion that dwells within the human heart. And that, she realized, was a beauty worth celebrating./Top of Form