PXVR-121 [VR] When A Mad Man Used Aphrodisiacs On Her Popular Busty Office Lady, She Became A Lewd Woman Who Loves Dicks So Much That She Begged “Don'

Movie Information:

ID Code: PXVR-121

Release Date: 29/01/2024

Category: Censored , Big boob , Office Lady , Slut , S&M , VR , Cum Swallow , Aphrodisiac

Actress: Hanayagi Anna


Studio Label: P-BOX VR

Online stream:



In the bustling heart of Tokyo, where the corporate world buzzed with energy and ambition, Hanayanagi Anna emerged as a rising star in the realm of business. A poised and sharp-witted office lady, Anna was known not only for her exceptional skills but also for her ability to navigate the intricate dance of negotiations with finesse. As the prospect of a crucial business trip loomed on the horizon, Anna found herself at the forefront of a high-stakes game that would test both her intellect and her resourcefulness.

Anna worked for Stellar Solutions, a dynamic company with its sights set on expansion into international markets. The upcoming business trip to secure a major project was a pivotal moment for Anna and her team. The client, a prestigious conglomerate, held the key to a multimillion-dollar venture that could propel Stellar Solutions to new heights.

As the departure date approached, Anna meticulously prepared for the journey. Dressed in a tailored suit that exuded professionalism, she armed herself not only with presentations and proposals but also with a strategic mindset honed through years of experience in the corporate arena.

The plane touched down in a bustling metropolis, the backdrop for the impending negotiations. Anna and her team were met with a whirlwind of meetings, presentations, and the delicate dance of interpersonal relationships that defined the world of business. The stakes were high, and the competition fierce, but Anna approached each challenge with a calm demeanor that masked the intensity of her determination.

On the first day of meetings, Anna found herself face-to-face with the client's executives. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as she delivered a compelling presentation, weaving together the strengths of Stellar Solutions with a keen understanding of the client's needs. Her eloquence and precision left an indelible impression, setting the stage for the negotiations that lay ahead.

As the days unfolded, Anna's strategic prowess came to the forefront. She engaged in one-on-one discussions, carefully gauging the preferences and priorities of each key decision-maker. Her ability to adapt her approach based on subtle cues and unspoken signals became her secret weapon, earning her the trust and respect of the client's team.

One evening, as the city lights glittered in the background, Anna found herself at a crucial dinner with the client's executives. The venue, a sophisticated restaurant overlooking the skyline, became the stage for a diplomatic performance that would shape the trajectory of the negotiations.

Seated at the head of the table, Anna seamlessly navigated the complexities of cultural nuances and social etiquette. Her wit and charm became her allies as she engaged in conversations that transcended the boundaries of business. The executives, initially reserved, began to open up, revealing insights that went beyond the formalities of the boardroom.

Anna's ability to read the room became evident as she subtly steered the conversation towards shared interests. She listened intently to anecdotes, interweaving her own experiences to create a sense of camaraderie. The dinner transformed into a strategic alliance where the lines between business and personal connections blurred.

In a pivotal moment, the client's CEO, impressed by Anna's acumen, expressed a desire to see Stellar Solutions go above and beyond in their proposal. Sensing an opportunity, Anna seized the moment with grace. She outlined a customized plan that not only met but exceeded the client's expectations. Her agility in adapting to the evolving dynamics of the negotiation table showcased a level of expertise that set her apart.

The culmination of the business trip saw Anna and her team securing the coveted project. The client, swayed by the combination of Stellar Solutions' capabilities and Anna's strategic finesse, awarded them the contract. The celebration that ensued marked not only a triumph for the company but also a personal victory for Anna, whose leadership had played a pivotal role in the success.

Back in Tokyo, as the city continued its relentless pace, Anna reflected on the journey. The business trip had been a testament to her ability to use intellect, charm, and adaptability to navigate the intricate world of corporate negotiations. The victory, she realized, was not just about securing a project; it was about forging lasting relationships and leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of international business.

In the weeks that followed, news of Anna's triumph spread throughout the corporate circles. She became a symbol of astute leadership, a woman who could command a boardroom with grace and authority. The success of the business trip elevated her status within Stellar Solutions and opened doors to new opportunities on the global stage.

As the next chapter in her career unfolded, Anna continued to bring her unique blend of intellect and charm to the forefront. The lessons learned on that fateful business trip became the cornerstone of her approach, reminding her that in the world of high-stakes negotiations, a sharp mind and a strategic heart could lead to triumphs that echoed beyond the boardroom and into the annals of corporate legend./