NKKVR-071 [VR] The Erotically Erotic Lady With A J-cup Body Proves That The Erotic Value Is High, And She'll Squeeze Out Semen Over And Over Again Eas

Movie Information:

ID Code: NKKVR-071

Release Date: 14/11/2023

Category: Censored , Big boob , Slut , JOI , Pantyhose , VR

Actress: Kisaki Alice


Studio Label: Meat Kyun Paradise V

Online stream:



In the heart of the city, where the pulse of life reverberated through towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, there existed a haven of tranquility known as Serene Touch Massage. Nestled amidst the urban chaos, the establishment was renowned for its extraordinary therapists, and among them, Alice Kisaki stood as an embodiment of elegance and expertise.

Alice, a striking woman with an air of allure, had an uncanny ability to make her clients feel not only physically rejuvenated but also emotionally uplifted. Her reputation as the go-to therapist for an unforgettable massage experience had spread far and wide, and clients often left Serene Touch with a sense of awe, wondering if they had encountered a true enchantress.

One brisk evening, the entrance to Serene Touch chimed, announcing the arrival of a new client, Mr. Robert Harper. With an air of anticipation, Robert entered the serene sanctuary, his eyes taking in the calming ambiance adorned with soft hues and the delicate fragrance of essential oils.

As fate would have it, Alice Kisaki was assigned to be Robert's therapist. Dressed in a tasteful uniform that exuded sophistication, Alice greeted him with a warm smile that held the promise of a unique and memorable experience.

"Welcome, Mr. Harper. I'm Alice, and I'll be your therapist today. May I invite you to our relaxation lounge for a brief consultation before we begin?" Alice's voice, like a soothing melody, guided Robert towards the lounge where plush chairs and the gentle murmur of a water fountain awaited.

In the dimly lit lounge, Alice engaged in a thoughtful conversation with Robert, unraveling the intricacies of his stress and tension. She listened intently, her empathetic gaze suggesting a genuine interest in his well-being. Through their conversation, she learned of his demanding job, the weight of responsibilities, and the longing for a reprieve from the chaos of daily life.

Alice, armed with the knowledge of Robert's needs, crafted a bespoke massage experience that would not only address the knots in his muscles but also leave an indelible mark on his soul. The massage room, softly illuminated by flickering candles, became the canvas for Alice's artistry.

As the massage began, Alice's skilled hands danced with a rhythmic grace, seamlessly blending therapeutic techniques with an intuitive understanding of Robert's body. Her touch, like a symphony, played across his tense muscles, coaxing them into a state of surrender. The room was filled with the ambient sounds of soft music and the soothing murmur of Alice's voice, guiding Robert into a state of blissful relaxation.

Yet, Alice's intent was more than mere physical relief. She was on a mission to create an experience that would linger in Robert's memory long after he left Serene Touch. With every stroke, she wove a narrative of tranquility, inviting him to escape the demands of the outside world and surrender to the present moment.

As the massage progressed, Alice incorporated a unique blend of essential oils chosen for their calming and invigorating properties. The scents, carefully selected to resonate with Robert's preferences, enveloped the room, creating an olfactory journey that heightened the overall sensory experience.

Throughout the session, Alice engaged in subtle conversation, sharing anecdotes of serenity and peace. Her words, like a gentle breeze, carried away the remnants of stress, leaving behind a calmness that settled deep within Robert's soul.

The massage reached its crescendo as Alice, with a final flourish, applied a cooling jade roller to soothe any lingering tension. The room fell into a tranquil hush, the only sounds being the soft exhales of contentment from Robert and the gentle hum of the air diffuser.

As the massage concluded, Alice invited Robert to savor a moment of stillness in the post-treatment relaxation area. She handed him a cup of herbal tea, chosen for its calming properties, and encouraged him to reflect on the journey they had embarked upon together.

"Mr. Harper, I hope this experience has brought you a sense of peace and rejuvenation. Remember, the tranquility you've found here is not confined to this room. Carry it with you as you step back into the world outside," Alice whispered, her eyes reflecting a genuine desire to make a lasting impact.

Robert, enveloped in a cocoon of serenity, thanked Alice with a nod that spoke volumes. As he left Serene Touch, he felt not only physically invigorated but also emotionally renewed. The memory of Alice's expert touch and the oasis of calm she had created lingered in his mind, a testament to the transformative power of a truly exceptional massage.

Days turned into weeks, and yet, the memory of Alice Kisaki's touch stayed with Robert. In the midst of hectic workdays and the clamor of city life, he would find himself transported back to that tranquil massage room, the scent of essential oils and the soothing ambiance echoing in the recesses of his mind.

One evening, compelled by a desire to express his gratitude, Robert returned to Serene Touch. The chime at the entrance signaled his arrival, and there she was—Alice Kisaki, the enchantress of Serene Touch, welcoming him with the same warm smile that had set the stage for their first encounter.

"Mr. Harper, it's a pleasure to see you again. How may I assist you today?" Alice's voice, a melodic invitation, resonated through the sanctuary of calm.

Robert, with genuine appreciation in his eyes, replied, "Alice, your massage left an indelible mark on my soul. I wanted to express my gratitude and perhaps experience that enchantment once more."

Alice, touched by his words, led Robert towards the massage rooms. This time, their journey would be not just a therapeutic experience but a continuation of the profound connection forged through the artistry of massage.

And so, in the haven of Serene Touch, where the city's cacophony faded into a distant hum, Alice and Robert embarked on a new chapter of tranquility—a testament to the enduring impact of a beautiful lady therapist whose touch transcended the boundaries of time and space, creating an unforgettable melody of relaxation and rejuvenation./