KIWVR-629 [VR] Just Before A Date With My Boyfriend (67 Minutes Ago...) Secret NTR Live Sex With Gcup's Too Erotic In A Parking Lot Where No One Is Fi

Movie Information:

ID Code: KIWVR-629

Release Date: 10/04/2024

Category: Censored , Big boob , NTR , Slut , Sweat Sex , Car Sex

Actress: Nagarekawa Rio


Studio Label: Koara VR

Online stream:



In the serene suburb of Nagarekawa, where the sensitive mumble of morning traffic mixed with the gathering of birdsong, continued with a young woman named Nagarekawa Rio. With a heart as warm as the morning sun and a smile that could enlighten even the haziest of days, Rio's presence gave delight and warmth to all who knew her.

In any case, amidst the rushing around of everyday presence, there was one person who held an extraordinary spot in Rio's heart - her darling, Takumi. From the subsequent they met, their affiliation was second, a blaze that lit a reverence bound to persevere through ordinary difficulty.

Every day, preceding the sun had totally climbed over the horizon, Rio would progress toward Takumi's space, a sensation of assumption ascending in her chest as she organized to start the day with her dearest. With a jug of hot coffee in one hand and a bunch of cakes in the other, Rio would progress toward Takumi's vehicle, where he held on without griping for her appearance.

As Rio slipped into the front seat close to Takumi, a smile would spread across her face, her heart extending with veneration and appreciation for the man nearby. With a sensitive kiss on the cheek, Takumi would invite her with his own personal encouraging smile, his eyes sparkling with affection as they exchanged quiet articulations of hi.

Hence, their wake-up routine would begin - a specially stacked up with laughing, conversation, and the direct enjoyment of being together in the quiet disengagement of the early morning hours. Over the long haul, Rio and Takumi would lose themselves in the sparkle of each other's association, their bond growing further with every normal second.

As they went through the peaceful streets of Nagarekawa, Rio and Takumi would talk about their courses of action for the day ahead, sharing their most profound longings for the future with each other. They would chuckle at each other's jokes, revel in each other's association, and loll in the clear enjoyment of being together, just the two of them against the world.

Nevertheless, amidst the snickering and conversation, there were previews of quiet closeness - minutes when Rio would interface with brush a vagabond lock of hair from Takumi's face, or when Takumi would fasten her hand with his, his touch sending a shiver of warmth down Rio's spine. In those minutes, time seemed to stop, their reverence wrapping them like a warm embrace, defending them from the contemplations and stresses of the remainder of the world.

As they moved toward Takumi's workplace, Rio would reluctantly tear herself away from his side, her heart significant with the data that their time together was drawing in to a close by. With a holding up kiss and a mumbled promise to see each other again soon, Rio would agree that farewell to Takumi, watching with a thoughtful smile as he disappeared into the construction.

Be that as it may, even as Rio progressed toward her own workplace, her mind would be stacked up with contemplations of Takumi, her heart really resounding with the sparkle of their morning together. Furthermore, as she moved toward her day, facing the troubles and wins that searched for her, Rio would draw strength from the memory of their normal minutes, understanding that paying little mind to where life's interaction took them, their friendship would continually be a coordinating light, illuminating the way forward with its sensitive sparkle./