FSVR-026 [VR] Innovative Salon Restaurant 18+ Only. Sumire Kuramoto

Movie Information:

ID Code: FSVR-026

Release Date: 15/09/2023

Category: Censored , Underwear , Slut , Receptionist , Naughty Game , Maid , VR

Actress: Kuramoto Sumire


Studio Label: Furasupi

Online stream:



where neon lights and vibrant billboards painted the night, there stood a quaint and charming little establishment known as "MoeMaid Café." It was a one-of-a-kind place that had captured the hearts of locals and tourists alike, offering an immersive experience that transported patrons to a world of fantasy and charm.

At the heart of MoeMaid Café was its charismatic and beloved maid waitress, Sumire Kuramoto. Sumire was the embodiment of kawaii, with her doe-like eyes, raven-black hair adorned with ribbons, and an infectious smile that could brighten anyone's day. She was the living, breathing personification of the "moe" culture that had captivated Japan.

As patrons entered MoeMaid Café, they were greeted by a chorus of cheerful welcomes from the staff. The café's interior was a delightful blend of traditional Japanese aesthetics and modern pop culture, with cozy wooden booths adorned with lace doilies, framed anime posters, and colorful fairy lights. The atmosphere was designed to make guests feel like they had stepped into a whimsical, otherworldly realm.

Sumire, dressed in her meticulously crafted maid outfit, greeted each guest with a bow and a warm, "Okaerinasaimase, goshujin-sama!" (Welcome home, master!) Her mannerisms were graceful and endearing, and she exuded an air of genuine hospitality. She guided patrons to their chosen seats with delicate gestures, ensuring that they felt like honored guests in her own home.

Once seated, Sumire would hand her guests a menu adorned with whimsical illustrations of the café's offerings. The menu featured a variety of delectable treats, from themed desserts with adorable designs to savory dishes named after popular anime characters. As she presented the menu, Sumire would lean in with a playful wink and say, "Please, allow me to recommend our special today, the 'Maid's Delight Parfait.' It's sure to make your heart skip a beat!"

Throughout the meal, Sumire would engage in charming interactions with her guests. She'd playfully tease them, asking if they needed "magical incantations" to make their dishes taste even better or offering to share "secret stories" about the café's enchanting world. Her genuine enthusiasm and dedication to her role as a maid waitress created an enchanting atmosphere that allowed patrons to escape from the mundane and immerse themselves in a world of fantasy.

But it wasn't just about appearances and playful banter; Sumire's service went beyond that. She took the time to learn about her regular guests' preferences, addressing them by their chosen nicknames and remembering their favorite dishes and stories. It was this personalized touch that made MoeMaid Café a truly unique and heartwarming experience.

As patrons enjoyed their meals, Sumire would occasionally break into song, treating them to a melodious performance of popular anime tunes. Her voice was like a sweet serenade, capturing the hearts of those who listened. Sometimes, she'd invite guests to join in, creating impromptu karaoke sessions that filled the café with joyous laughter.

The café's enchanting world extended to the merchandise available for purchase, from collectible keychains and posters to personalized maid-themed souvenirs. Sumire would assist guests in selecting the perfect memento, helping them find a piece of MoeMaid Café to take home and cherish.

When it was time for guests to leave, Sumire would bid them farewell with a heartfelt, "Arigatou gozaimashita, goshujin-sama!" (Thank you very much, master!) Her gratitude was genuine, as she knew that the patrons were not just customers but cherished visitors to her enchanting world.

Outside of her role at MoeMaid Café, Sumire was a diligent student pursuing her dreams of becoming a voice actress, and she often shared her experiences and aspirations with her regular guests. This glimpse into her personal life added an extra layer of connection between Sumire and her patrons.

MoeMaid Café had succeeded in creating a truly one-of-a-kind experience that blended traditional Japanese hospitality with modern pop culture. Sumire Kuramoto, with her unwavering commitment to her role as a maid waitress and her endearing charm, was at the heart of it all. She had become not just a waitress but a cherished character in the enchanting story that unfolded within the café's walls, a story that allowed patrons to escape into a world of fantasy and wonder with every visit./