EBVR-094 [VR] A Dreamy Dripping Wet Situation Where You Are Devour The Wet, See-through, Slim And Big Tits Of A Good Looking Neighbor Older Sister. Al

Movie Information:

ID Code: EBVR-094

Release Date: 15/02/2024

Category: Censored , Slut , Next Door , See Through Clothes , VR , Wet Clothes

Actress: Alice Nanase


Studio Label: E-body

Online stream:



In a quaint neighborhood, nestled on the outskirts of Tokyo, lived Alice Nanase—a beautiful woman known for her striking features, warm smile, and an endearing trait that set her apart. Alice was undeniably clumsy, a quality that manifested in unexpected ways, most notably in her propensity to come home with wet clothes. Little did she know that her charming imperfections would become the catalyst for an unexpected love story with her neighbor and friend, Hiroshi Tanaka.

Alice's days unfolded with a whimsical rhythm, marked by the comical misadventures that often accompanied her. She possessed an uncanny ability to encounter puddles, unexpected rain showers, and mishaps involving water, leaving her clothes damp and her spirits undampened. Her neighborhood, familiar with Alice's eccentricities, embraced her with fond amusement.

Hiroshi Tanaka, a kind-hearted and unassuming man, lived in the apartment next door to Alice. His days were a blend of routine and occasional glimpses of Alice's endearing mishaps. Hiroshi, captivated by her beauty and charmed by her klutziness, found himself drawn to Alice in a way that transcended mere neighborly camaraderie.

One rainy afternoon, as droplets tapped a gentle melody on Tokyo's pavements, Alice decided to venture out for a stroll. Her umbrella, a whimsical array of vibrant colors, danced in the breeze as she navigated the wet streets. However, as fate would have it, a misstep led to a puddle encounter that left Alice with soaked clothes and a sheepish grin.

Unperturbed by the wet mishap, Alice continued her walk, unaware of the sympathetic eyes that observed her from the neighboring apartment. Hiroshi, witnessing the scene unfold, couldn't help but smile at Alice's resilient spirit. There was something enchanting about her ability to embrace life's little challenges with grace and humor.

Days turned into weeks, and Alice's wet-clothes escapades became a charming routine in the neighborhood. Rather than viewing her clumsiness as a flaw, the community began to appreciate it as a distinctive facet of Alice's personality—a whimsical touch that added color to their daily lives.

Hiroshi, intrigued by the mystery and allure of Alice, decided to strike up a conversation during one of their chance encounters in the hallway. As they exchanged pleasantries, Hiroshi found himself captivated not only by Alice's outer beauty but by the genuine warmth that radiated from within. Her laughter, like a melody, resonated through the corridor, leaving Hiroshi enchanted.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and Tokyo's lights began to twinkle, Hiroshi invited Alice to join him for coffee at a cozy café nearby. Alice, with her trademark smile and a slight hint of embarrassment, agreed. The café, with its warm ambiance, became the backdrop for a friendship that was slowly blossoming into something more profound.

As they sipped coffee and shared stories, Alice's clumsy adventures became a topic of laughter and camaraderie. Hiroshi, far from being deterred by her occasional wet-clothes mishaps, found himself drawn to the authenticity that defined Alice. Her quirks, once perceived as endearing imperfections, transformed into the threads that wove the fabric of their connection.

The bond between Alice and Hiroshi deepened with each passing day. They explored the charm of the neighborhood together, discovering hidden gems and creating memories that transcended the ordinary. Hiroshi, though initially captivated by Alice's beauty, found himself falling for the woman beneath the surface—a soulful, genuine, and charming individual whose laughter echoed through the corridors of his heart.

One rainy evening, as Tokyo's skies painted a canvas of gray, Hiroshi surprised Alice with a gift—a colorful, durable umbrella adorned with playful patterns. The thoughtful gesture, inspired by a desire to shield Alice from future puddle encounters, spoke volumes about Hiroshi's growing affection.

Alice, touched by the gesture, accepted the umbrella with gratitude and a hint of blush. As they walked together under the shared protection of the umbrella, the raindrops became a symphony that underscored the quiet beauty of their connection. Hiroshi's feelings for Alice had transcended the bounds of friendship, and he found himself yearning to express the depth of his emotions.

One evening, against the backdrop of a gently lit Tokyo skyline, Hiroshi confessed his feelings to Alice. He spoke of her beauty, yes, but more importantly, he spoke of the joy she brought into his life—the laughter, the shared moments, and the warmth that enveloped their friendship. Alice, touched by Hiroshi's sincerity, found herself on the brink of a realization that mirrored his own feelings.

As the night unfolded, Tokyo's lights shimmered with a newfound magic. The mischievous raindrops, once the accomplices of Alice's clumsy escapades, became witnesses to a love story that had blossomed unexpectedly. Alice and Hiroshi, connected by shared laughter and genuine affection, embarked on a journey that defied societal expectations and celebrated the beauty of imperfections.

In the heart of Tokyo, where the bustling city echoed with the stories of millions, Alice Nanase and Hiroshi Tanaka discovered a love that transcended the ordinary. The wet clothes, once a source of amusement, became symbols of a journey filled with laughter, friendship, and the enchanting realization that sometimes, it's the quirks and imperfections that make a love story truly extraordinary./Top of Form