DVEH-019 (Uncensored) A Big-assed Married Woman Who Is Popular With Her Mom's Friend's Husband That Opens Adult Entertainment Business At Home! "Easy

Movie Information:

ID Code: DVEH-019 (Uncensored)

Release Date: 22/12/2023

Category: Big ass , Big Butt , Slut , Married Woman , Uncensored , Cuckold , Escort Service

Actress: Mao Kurata


Studio Label: Deeps

Online stream:



In the tranquil suburbs, where the gentle hum of daily life blended seamlessly with the rustle of leaves in the breeze, Kurata Mao adorned her role as a married woman with grace and capability. Her home, a haven of warmth and order, stood as a testament to her dedication to family and the art of homemaking.

Mao, with her eyes that sparkled with kindness and a demeanor that exuded competence, had forged a reputation as the heart and soul of her household. Her marriage to Kenta was not just a union of hearts; it was a partnership that thrived on mutual respect and shared responsibilities.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the Kurata residence, Mao welcomed her husband's friends who had gathered for a casual evening. The camaraderie between Kenta and his friends was a reflection of years of shared laughter, memories, and the unspoken acknowledgment of Mao's influence on their lives.

Mao, clad in a simple yet elegant attire, moved through the evening with effortless grace. Her hospitality extended beyond offering refreshments; it wove a narrative of a woman who found fulfillment in nurturing connections and creating an atmosphere of comfort.

The friends, seated in the cozy living room adorned with carefully chosen decor, engaged in animated conversations. Kenta's laughter mingled with the voices of his friends, and Mao, with a tray of homemade snacks, joined the circle. Her presence added a touch of tranquility, a calming force that transformed the gathering into a homecoming of sorts.

As the evening unfolded, Kenta's friends couldn't help but marvel at Mao's ability to balance her professional life with the demands of a bustling household. Her career as a project manager in a reputable firm showcased a side of Mao that extended beyond the confines of domesticity. Yet, it was her seamless transition from a corporate professional to a welcoming hostess that left a lasting impression.

Midway through the evening, Mao excused herself to check on a simmering pot in the kitchen. The aroma of a home-cooked meal wafted through the air, promising a culinary delight that mirrored Mao's commitment to providing nourishment for both body and soul.

In the kitchen, Mao's hands moved with practiced precision. Cooking was not merely a chore; it was a form of expression—a way to convey love and care. The dishes she prepared were a reflection of her dedication to creating a home where warmth and good food became the foundation for cherished memories.

Back in the living room, Mao's husband, Kenta, shared a knowing smile with his friends. They exchanged glances that spoke of the silent agreement—the acknowledgment that Mao was not just a capable wife but a pillar of strength that enriched their lives in ways beyond words.

The dinner table, adorned with dishes that mirrored Mao's culinary prowess, became the centerpiece of the evening. The friends, now seated around the table, engaged in hearty conversations while savoring the flavors that reflected Mao's commitment to culinary excellence.

As the night progressed, Kenta's friends expressed their admiration for the harmonious partnership that defined Mao and Kenta's marriage. The laughter that echoed in the Kurata household carried a unique melody—the melody of a home where love, respect, and shared responsibilities formed the notes of a beautiful composition.

As the evening drew to a close, Mao bid farewell to Kenta's friends, each handshake and warm smile a testament to the bonds that had been strengthened by her presence. The friends departed with a renewed appreciation for the capable wife who had seamlessly woven herself into the fabric of their shared experiences.

In the quiet moments that followed, Mao and Kenta found themselves alone in the tranquility of their home. The evening had been a testament to the strength of their union and Mao's ability to create a haven where friends felt not only welcomed but embraced by the warmth of her capable and caring spirit.

In the soft glow of the living room, Mao and Kenta reflected on the evening, grateful for the bonds that had been forged and the love that resonated within the walls of their home. Mao, with her unwavering dedication and quiet strength, continued to be the heart that beat in rhythm with the pulse of their shared life—a capable wife whose influence extended far beyond the roles society defined./