DSVR-01500 [VR] I Attack My Part Time Co-Worker Gal In A Drunk State...! As Soon As I Discovered That They Had Excellent Physical Compatibility, The G

Movie Information:

ID Code: DSVR-01500

Release Date: 01/05/2024

Category: Censored , Office Lady , Slut , VR , Shared Room Sex , Drinking Sex

Actress: Arai Rima


Studio Label: SOD Create

Online stream:



As the city lights of Tokyo gleamed somewhere far off, projecting a delicate shine over the rambling city underneath, Lima Arai ended up remaining on the roof of her companion's high rise, the cool night breeze unsettling her hair as she looked out at the sparkling horizon. The occasions of the day had left her heart feeling light and light, a feeling of happiness settling over her like a warm cover.

It had been a day dissimilar to some other — a day loaded up with fervor and festivity, as her office had gotten a rewarding new agreement that vowed to push the organization higher than ever of progress. As she reviewed the cheers and praise that had reverberated through the lobbies of the workplace, Lima really wanted to feel a swell of pride in her chest. Long periods of difficult work and commitment had at last paid off, and she was thankful to be a piece of such a dynamic and skilled group.

Be that as it may, in the midst of the party and congrats, Lima had ended up attracted to an alternate sort of festivity — a calm snapshot of reflection imparted to her dear companion, Rina. They had known one another for quite a long time, their kinship fashioned in the flames of shared chuckling and shared encounters. What's more, as they had toasted to the outcome of the new agreement, Lima had felt a feeling of family relationship and association that went past simple fellowship — a flash of something new and startling that had lighted inside her heart.

Presently, as she remained on the roof with the city spread out before her, Lima couldn't shake the inclination that her life was on the cusp of something unprecedented. The night air was accused of plausibility, and she felt like she remained at the edge of another part — one loaded up with experience, fervor, and the commitment of affection.

Lost in her viewpoints, Lima was frightened when she felt a warm hand slip into hers, the touch sending a shudder of power down her spine. Going to her side, she found Rina remaining close to her, her eyes shining with wickedness and merriment.

"Mind assuming that I go along with you?" Rina asked, her voice delicate and melodic in the quietness of the evening.

Lima grinned and shook her head, thankful for the organization. Together, they remained in accommodating quietness, their hands laced as they watched the city beneath wake up with the energetic heartbeat of nightlife.

As the minutes extended into hours, Lima ended up opening up to Rina in a manner she never had, sharing her expectations, dreams, and fears with a weakness she hadn't realized she had. Furthermore, shockingly, Rina tuned in with laser focus, offering uplifting statements and consolation that contacted Lima's heart in manners she was unable to make sense of.

As the night wore on and the sky started to ease up with the main blush of day break, Lima felt a feeling of harmony settle over her — a sensation of having a place that she hadn't felt in years. Furthermore, as she went to Rina, prepared to say goodbye to the evening and the commitment it held, she ended up lost in the profundities of her companion's eyes, unfit to turn away.

At that time, with the world loosening up before them and the city underneath humming with life, Lima realize that she had tracked down something uniquely great — an association that went past kinship and held the commitment of something else. What's more, as she inclined in to press a delicate kiss to Rina's lips, she felt her heart expand with satisfaction, realizing that she had tracked down an associate and a companion, yet a close friend — an accomplice to share life's delights and distresses with, in a city where dreams were conceived and fates were produced./