DSVR-01466 [VR] An Asian Rejuvenating Beauty Salon That Lets You Experience The Best Focus Ejaculation After Being Stopped Many Times. Hana Himesaki

Movie Information:

ID Code: DSVR-01466

Release Date: 23/02/2024

Category: Censored , Big boob , Big ass , Big Butt , Slut , Soapland , VR , Deep French Kiss

Actress: Himesaki Hana


Studio Label: SOD Create

Online stream:



Nestled on the outskirts of the bustling city, Hana Himesaki's Massage Haven exuded an air of tranquility. Surrounded by lush greenery and the soft hum of nature, the serene space welcomed weary souls seeking refuge from the demands of modern life. Hana, a seasoned massage therapist, had cultivated her craft with a passion for healing and a commitment to elevating her clients' well-being to the utmost.

The Massage Haven, adorned with subtle earthy tones and soothing aromas, provided a sanctuary for those in need of restoration. Hana, with her gentle demeanor and skilled hands, had earned a reputation for employing a variety of techniques that went beyond the conventional. Her approach was not merely about relieving tension; it was a holistic journey, an art form that blended physical relief with emotional rejuvenation.

On a quiet afternoon, the Massage Haven welcomed its newest client, Sarah, a young professional weighed down by the stress of deadlines and daily pressures. Hana, attuned to the nuances of her clients' needs, greeted Sarah with a warm smile and a genuine desire to alleviate the burdens that weighed upon her.

"Welcome, Sarah. I'm Hana, and I'm here to help you find peace and relaxation. Let's start by discussing how you're feeling today," Hana said, leading Sarah to a cozy consultation area adorned with soft cushions and ambient lighting.

As Sarah shared the challenges she faced, Hana listened attentively, her compassionate eyes reflecting empathy. "I understand, Sarah. We'll tailor a session that addresses your specific concerns and allows you to unwind completely. Are you open to exploring different techniques today?"

Sarah nodded, her curiosity piqued by the prospect of a customized experience. Hana guided her to a serene massage room, where the gentle sound of flowing water and the subtle scent of essential oils created an atmosphere of serenity.

"Today, we'll embark on a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation. I'll be incorporating various massage techniques to ensure you leave here feeling your absolute best," Hana explained as she invited Sarah to settle onto the massage table.

Hana began the session with a technique called effleurage, employing long, sweeping strokes to warm the muscles and create a sense of calm. The rhythmic movements, guided by Hana's intuitive touch, invited Sarah to release tension and surrender to the unfolding experience.

Transitioning seamlessly, Hana introduced petrissage, a deeper kneading technique that targeted specific muscle groups. As her skilled hands worked their magic, Hana encouraged Sarah to focus on her breath, allowing the therapeutic touch to melt away the accumulated stress.

But Hana's approach went beyond conventional massage techniques. With a gentle whisper, she guided Sarah through a mindfulness exercise, inviting her to visualize a serene landscape and release any lingering thoughts. The fusion of massage and mindfulness created a harmonious symphony, enveloping Sarah in a cocoon of tranquility.

As the session progressed, Hana incorporated hot stone therapy, placing warm basalt stones strategically along Sarah's spine. The soothing heat penetrated deep into the muscles, promoting relaxation and enhancing the overall therapeutic effect. Sarah, now in a state of blissful surrender, marveled at the multi-dimensional experience that unfolded under Hana's skillful hands.

Hana's repertoire of techniques extended to aromatherapy, where she diffused calming essential oils tailored to Sarah's preferences. The subtle fragrances danced in the air, enhancing the sensory journey and infusing the massage room with an enchanting ambiance.

The Massage Haven, now a realm of heightened sensations, became a vessel for Sarah's transformation. Hana's expertise seamlessly wove together the physical and emotional aspects of well-being, creating an experience that transcended the ordinary.

Incorporating stretching techniques, Hana gently guided Sarah through a series of movements designed to release tension and improve flexibility. The session became a collaborative dance, a dialogue between therapist and client that echoed the profound connection between mind and body.

As the massage reached its zenith, Hana introduced reflexology, a technique that focused on specific pressure points in the feet. The reflexology session not only provided relief to Sarah's tired feet but also offered a unique perspective on holistic wellness. Hana explained the interconnectedness of the body's various systems, emphasizing the importance of balance and harmony.

As the session concluded, Hana guided Sarah into a state of gentle wakefulness. The massage room, once a cocoon of serenity, now radiated with the revitalizing energy that permeated the space. Sarah, emerging from the massage table with a radiant glow, met Hana's eyes filled with gratitude.

"Thank you, Hana. That was an incredible experience. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders," Sarah expressed, her voice carrying a newfound lightness.

Hana smiled warmly. "I'm delighted to hear that, Sarah. Remember, self-care is an ongoing journey. Take the lessons from today and incorporate them into your daily life. It's not just about the session; it's about nurturing your well-being in every aspect."

Sarah left the Massage Haven with a renewed spirit, her steps lighter and her shoulders unburdened. Hana, in her role as a healer and guide, reveled in the joy of witnessing her client's transformation. For Hana Himesaki, massage therapy was not merely a profession; it was a calling, a commitment to fostering well-being, one client at a time.

The Massage Haven continued to be a haven for those seeking solace and rejuvenation. Hana's reputation spread, not just for her technical prowess but for her ability to create an immersive experience that touched the soul. Each session at the Massage Haven became a testament to Hana's dedication to the art of healing, an art that transcended the physical to embrace the profound connection between body, mind, and spirit./Top of Form