DSVR-01447 【VR】 The Pink Salon Girl At That Time Was A New Nurse! ? When I Taught Her The Tricks Of Undercover, She Became Attached To Me, And While I

Movie Information:

ID Code: DSVR-01447

Release Date: 05/03/2024

Category: Censored , Big boob , Nurse , Naughty Game , VR , Cum Swallow , Secret Sex

Actress: Kurumi Sakura


Studio Label: SOD Create

Online stream:



In the heart of the city, where the ebb and flow of urban life created a vibrant tapestry, a chance encounter would set the stage for an extraordinary connection. You, an individual navigating the intricate dance of daily life, found yourself drawn into the orbit of Kurumi Sakura, a lady whose warmth and charm transcended the ordinary. Little did you know that this meeting would unfold into a unique journey, where affection, secrets, and the delicate art of balancing two worlds would intertwine.

It all began on a serene afternoon at a local therapist's studio. Seeking a respite from the demands of your hectic schedule, you entered a realm of tranquility where Kurumi, with her gentle demeanor, awaited as your therapist. The ambiance was a sanctuary, the soft strains of ambient music creating a cocoon of serenity as you settled onto the massage table.

Kurumi, with a skillful touch that bespoke both training and intuition, began to unravel the knots of tension that had taken residence in your muscles. Yet, it wasn't just her adept hands that left an impression; it was the genuine warmth that emanated from Kurumi. As the session progressed, conversation flowed effortlessly, bridging the gap between therapist and client.

In those moments of shared vulnerability and relaxation, you discovered that Kurumi's life extended beyond the massage studio. Her other role, unbeknownst to her clients, was that of a nurse. The revelation added a layer of intrigue to the connection, and a silent understanding passed between you – a pact to keep each other's secrets.

Curiosity piqued, you gently probed into Kurumi's world. The challenges of balancing two demanding professions became apparent. The responsibilities of a nurse required not only medical expertise but also emotional resilience in the face of human suffering. In contrast, the therapist's studio provided a space to offer solace through touch and connection.

In a moment of serendipity, you suggested the idea of undercover mentorship – a pact where you would share your knowledge of navigating the professional landscape while Kurumi would offer insights into the intricacies of dual roles. The clandestine collaboration began, with late-night rendezvous in discreet cafes and covert conversations exchanged between massages.

As you delved into the intricacies of undercover prowess, Kurumi embraced the lessons with enthusiasm. The art of seamlessly transitioning between the meticulous precision of nursing and the therapeutic finesse of a massage therapist required finesse and a keen understanding of human nature. In the cloak of secrecy, a unique bond forged – a camaraderie born of shared challenges and the thrill of maintaining a double life.

The city became a canvas for your lessons. From discreet wardrobe changes to perfecting the art of adopting dual personas, Kurumi absorbed the teachings with remarkable grace. Underneath her nurse's scrubs, she learned to carry the poise of a therapist, and vice versa. The dance between the worlds of healing and undercover finesse became an intricate ballet, and Kurumi emerged as a masterful performer.

As the mentorship deepened, a profound connection unfolded. Beyond the lessons of professional dexterity, the bond between you and Kurumi evolved into a genuine friendship. Late-night discussions extended beyond the realms of dual professions, touching on dreams, aspirations, and the shared desire for a life lived authentically.

One evening, as the city lights shimmered in the backdrop, you found yourselves in a quaint café where authenticity thrived. In a moment of vulnerability, Kurumi shared her aspirations – the dream of creating a space where nursing and therapeutic massage could coexist openly, without the need for secrecy. The vision was ambitious, but the passion in Kurumi's eyes kindled a shared resolve.

United by a common goal, you and Kurumi embarked on a clandestine mission to make her dream a reality. Late-night strategy sessions turned into blueprint sketches for a wellness center that seamlessly integrated nursing care with therapeutic massage. The vision extended beyond professional realms – it aimed to create a haven where individuals could receive holistic care without the need for concealment.

The journey was not without its challenges. Navigating bureaucratic hurdles and societal expectations demanded a delicate balance between discretion and authenticity. Yet, with each obstacle overcome, Kurumi's determination shone brighter. The dream, once confined to late-night conversations, began to take shape in the tangible world.

The grand opening of the wellness center marked a triumph – not only for Kurumi but for the unspoken alliance that had transformed into a profound friendship. The dual life, once a secret shared between you and Kurumi, now unfolded in the open, celebrated by a community that embraced the convergence of nursing care and therapeutic touch.

The wellness center, a testament to Kurumi's resilience and your guidance, became a beacon of authenticity in a world often dominated by facades. Clients, unaware of the clandestine mentorship that birthed the establishment, found solace in the seamless integration of nursing expertise and therapeutic massage.

In the heart of the city, where the echoes of two worlds collided, you and Kurumi stood as architects of change. The undercover mentorship, born in the quiet confines of a massage studio, had evolved into a legacy – a testament to the power of shared dreams, authentic connections, and the transformative journey of balancing dual roles.

As the city continued its relentless pulse, the wellness center thrived, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of healing. Kurumi, once a nurse and therapist navigating the complexities of a double life, emerged as a luminary, her story an inspiration for those who dared to dream beyond the confines of convention.

And so, in the heart of the city's embrace, you and Kurumi Sakura continued your journey – a tale of friendship, shared secrets, and the resilience of two souls who discovered that, in the dance between undercover finesse and genuine authenticity, they had found not only professional success but also a profound connection that transcended the boundaries of their dual lives./