DSVR-01443 [VR] "I'll Make You Never Forget Me Again" Reverse Rape With Exciting Voice That Whole Body Is Thorough Ejaculation. A Bondage Slut Who Lov

Movie Information:

ID Code: DSVR-01443

Release Date: 25/02/2024

Category: Censored , Underwear , Office Lady , Slut , VR , Cum Swallow

Actress: Yuuri Maina


Studio Label: SOD Create

Online stream:



In the heart of the bustling city, within the walls of a sleek office building, Maina Yuri navigated the corporate world as an efficient and diligent office lady. Her days were a meticulous dance through spreadsheets and meetings, a routine that provided a steady rhythm to her professional life. However, hidden beneath the veneer of professionalism was a playful and mischievous spirit that came to life when Maina's thoughts shifted to her boyfriend, Takashi, who happened to work in the same department.

Their love story had blossomed amidst the hum of office machinery and the glow of computer screens. What began as shared lunch breaks and stolen glances across cubicles had transformed into a love that transcended the confines of the workplace. Maina and Takashi had managed to strike a balance between their professional and personal lives, finding joy in the subtle moments that unfolded within the realm of their shared workspace.

One ordinary day, as Maina sat at her desk engrossed in her work, a mischievous idea began to take root in her mind. Takashi, engrossed in his own tasks a few desks away, was blissfully unaware of the playful storm brewing within Maina's imagination. She decided that it was time to plan a surprise for him – something that would leave an indelible mark on his memory and, undoubtedly, never let him forget her.

With the precision of a clandestine operative, Maina began orchestrating her master plan. She enlisted the help of a few colleagues who shared her enthusiasm for bringing a touch of joy to the workplace. The goal was simple: to create an unforgettable surprise for Takashi that would blend seamlessly into the office routine.

The first phase of the plan unfolded during the lunch break. Maina discreetly gathered a group of colleagues who were in on the secret. Armed with colorful balloons, banners, and a cake adorned with a cheeky message, they transformed a vacant meeting room into a celebratory haven. The objective was to catch Takashi off guard and whisk him into a world where office norms were replaced by a burst of surprise and laughter.

As the clock ticked closer to the appointed hour, Maina felt a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation. The office buzzed with its usual rhythm, but an air of clandestine delight lingered as Maina exchanged conspiratorial glances with her co-conspirators. Takashi, immersed in his work, remained blissfully unaware of the surprise that awaited him.

When the moment arrived, Maina signaled to her accomplices, and with practiced precision, they ambushed Takashi's desk with an explosion of balloons, laughter, and the sweet aroma of the surprise cake. Takashi, momentarily startled, looked around in bewilderment, only to be met with a chorus of "Happy Unforgettable Day!"

The surprise had achieved its desired effect – Takashi's eyes widened in sheer surprise, and then a contagious smile spread across his face. The office, for that brief moment, transformed into a carnival of joy and camaraderie. Colleagues, who usually bonded over deadlines and meetings, now shared in the delight of a spontaneous celebration.

Maina, reveling in the success of her surprise, approached Takashi with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Happy Unforgettable Day, Takashi! I hope this leaves you with a memory you won't forget."

Takashi, still caught in the whirlwind of the surprise, could only manage a stunned yet delighted expression. The office, now buzzing with laughter and shared delight, became the backdrop for a moment that would forever linger in the annals of their shared history.

As the day progressed, Maina and Takashi found themselves at the center of office conversations. Colleagues congratulated them on the unexpected celebration, sharing anecdotes and laughter that echoed through the office corridors. The surprise had not only left an impression on Takashi but had also become a shared memory that brought a touch of spontaneity to the typically structured corporate environment.

Yet, Maina's plan didn't end with the surprise celebration. As the workday wound down, she approached Takashi with another element of her scheme – a personalized gift that would serve as a lasting reminder of the day. With a playful grin, she handed him a carefully wrapped package.

Takashi, still riding the wave of surprise, unwrapped the gift to reveal a beautifully crafted scrapbook. Its pages chronicled their journey – from the early days of shy glances to the laughter-filled moments that defined their relationship. Maina, with meticulous detail, had captured the essence of their love in a tangible form.

As Takashi flipped through the pages, he found handwritten notes, candid photographs, and mementos that celebrated the uniqueness of their connection. The scrapbook was a testament to Maina's creativity and her commitment to infusing their relationship with joy and affection.

"Maina, this is incredible! I'll cherish it forever," Takashi exclaimed, his eyes reflecting a blend of surprise and heartfelt gratitude.

Maina, basking in the success of her plan, replied with a twinkle in her eyes, "Every day with you is an adventure, Takashi. I wanted to make sure this one was unforgettable."

The day, marked by surprise celebrations and heartfelt gestures, concluded with Maina and Takashi leaving the office hand in hand. The bustling city outside mirrored the energy of their shared joy. As they strolled through the streets, Maina couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Her plan had not only succeeded in leaving Takashi with an unforgettable memory but had also added a new layer of vibrancy to their relationship.

As the city lights flickered around them, Maina and Takashi shared a quiet moment of reflection. The day, which had begun as an ordinary office routine, had transformed into a kaleidoscope of laughter, surprises, and shared love. Maina's mischievous plan had achieved its intended purpose – to ensure that Takashi would never forget the unique magic they wove together, not just in the confines of the office but in the tapestry of their shared lives./Top of Form