DSVR-01404 【VR】 “Why Don’t You Make A Baby With Me Instead Of Your Wife?” ”While His Wife Left After A Fight And Go Home, Ten Anzai Suddenly Had An Af

Movie Information:

ID Code: DSVR-01404

Release Date: 15/01/2024

Category: Censored , Big boob , NTR , Lingerie , Office Lady , Slut , Cuckold , VR , VR Debut

Actress: Anzai Ame


Studio Label: SOD Create

Online stream:



The rain poured in torrents, a fitting backdrop to the storm brewing within the heart of Kurosawa Hiroshi. His face mirrored the gray clouds overhead as he trudged through the wet streets of Tokyo, each step weighed down by the heavy burden of regret. His wife, Eriko, had left him earlier that evening, anger and disappointment etched across her face. Desperate to mend the rift in his marriage, Hiroshi sought solace and advice from his longtime friend, Anzai Ame.

Anzai Ame, known for her empathetic nature and insightful wisdom, had always been the go-to person for matters of the heart. Her quaint apartment, adorned with fairy lights and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, became the haven where friends sought refuge in times of turmoil. Little did she know that this rainy evening would unfold into a tale of love, forgiveness, and redemption.

As Hiroshi knocked on Ame's door, raindrops clung to his disheveled hair, mirroring the emotional tempest that raged within him. Ame welcomed him in, concern etched on her face as she observed the turmoil in her friend's eyes.

"Sit down, Hiroshi. What happened?" Ame offered him a steaming cup of coffee, a comforting gesture in the midst of the emotional storm.

Hiroshi sighed, his shoulders slumped under the weight of his mistakes. "It's Eriko. We had a huge fight, and she left. I don't know what to do, Ame."

Ame took a seat across from Hiroshi, her gaze filled with a mixture of empathy and determination. "Tell me everything, Hiroshi. Sometimes, the first step to fixing things is understanding what went wrong."

As Hiroshi recounted the events that led to the heated argument with Eriko, Ame listened attentively. Her keen perception picked up on the nuances of his emotions, unraveling the threads of miscommunication and unspoken feelings that had led to the rupture in his marriage.

"Sometimes, we forget to express what's in our hearts until it's too late," Ame remarked, her voice gentle yet firm. "But it's not too late to fix things, Hiroshi. Love is resilient, but it requires effort and understanding."

Ame, spurred by her compassionate nature, took on the role of a love consultant for her distressed friend. She guided Hiroshi through a journey of introspection, helping him recognize the patterns of behavior that had strained his relationship with Eriko. Together, they crafted a plan to address the issues that had festered beneath the surface.

The rain outside intensified, a symphony of nature echoing the emotional turbulence within Ame's cozy apartment. Armed with newfound clarity and resolve, Hiroshi set out to confront the mistakes he had made and work towards rebuilding the foundation of trust with Eriko.

Days turned into weeks, and under Ame's guidance, Hiroshi took deliberate steps to mend the fractures in his marriage. He penned heartfelt letters to Eriko, expressing the depth of his remorse and the profound love he felt for her. Ame, acting as the intermediary, ensured that the messages reached Eriko at moments when she was ready to listen.

During one of their counseling sessions, Ame suggested a grand gesture – a surprise dinner at their favorite spot, a place laden with memories of laughter and shared dreams. Hiroshi, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, embraced the idea, recognizing it as an opportunity to create a new chapter in their love story.

The day of the surprise arrived, the air thick with anticipation. Hiroshi, dressed in his finest suit, waited nervously at the restaurant, the aroma of their favorite dishes wafting through the air. Ame, the silent orchestrator of this delicate dance of love, observed from a distance, hopeful that the stars would align for her dear friends.

Eriko, cautiously curious about the unexpected invitation, entered the restaurant. The sight of Hiroshi, his eyes filled with sincerity and vulnerability, tugged at her heartstrings. As they sat across from each other, the air charged with unspoken emotions, Hiroshi poured his heart out. He acknowledged his mistakes, expressed his undying love, and laid bare his commitment to change and grow together.

The restaurant, a witness to this poignant moment of reconciliation, seemed to hold its breath. Ame, watching from afar, felt a surge of emotions as she witnessed the power of love and forgiveness at play.

In the days that followed, Hiroshi and Eriko embarked on a journey of rediscovery. Ame continued to play the role of a guiding presence, offering insights and support as her friends navigated the complexities of rebuilding their relationship. Through open communication, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to growth, the couple began to mend the wounds that had threatened to tear them apart.

The rain, which had served as the backdrop to the tumultuous beginning of this story, now took on a different meaning. It became a symbol of cleansing, renewal, and the cyclical nature of life. Hiroshi and Eriko, like the sun emerging from behind the clouds, found their way back to each other, stronger and more resilient than before.

As the storm clouds dissipated, leaving behind a clear sky, Ame reflected on the profound role she had played in her friends' journey. The love consultant had not only guided Hiroshi through the maze of his emotions but had also witnessed the transformative power of forgiveness and second chances.

Nanasawa Mia, the cosmic soul with a heart as vast as the universe, had orchestrated a symphony of joy for her brother. The real-life maid cosplay had not just been a spectacle; it had been a testament to the extraordinary lengths siblings would go to bring happiness to each other's lives. And as the sun set on that extraordinary day, Mia and Yuuki embraced the warmth of a memory that would forever shine in the galaxy of their shared experiences./