DSVR-01382 [VR] A Poverty Shut-In Mother And Child Family. A Mother And Child Living In A Small Room Are Always Wanted Having Sex With Each Other To R

Movie Information:

ID Code: DSVR-01382

Release Date: 23/11/2023

Category: Censored , Incest , Married Woman , VR , Hikikomori Life

Actress: Natsuki Kaoru


Studio Label: SOD Create

Online stream:



In the heart of a bustling city, where the rhythm of life moved at an ever-increasing pace, Kaoru Natsuki found herself at a crossroads. Her days as an outgoing and sociable woman took a turn when her son, Yuuto, began showing signs of anxiety and fear towards society. In a mother's unwavering dedication to her child's well-being, Kaoru made a life-altering decision—she chose to become a shut-in to create a haven for her son within the walls of their home.

Kaoru, once an active participant in the vibrant tapestry of city life, observed the subtle changes in Yuuto's demeanor. The sparkle in his eyes, once fueled by curiosity and enthusiasm, dulled in the face of the overwhelming external world. The bustling streets, crowded schools, and constant noise became sources of distress for him.

Rather than dismissing Yuuto's fears, Kaoru delved deep into understanding his anxieties. Through patient conversations and shared moments of vulnerability, Yuuto opened up about his struggles with social interactions, the fear of judgment, and the overwhelming pressure of societal expectations.

In those tender conversations, Kaoru discovered a mother's resolve to provide solace for her son. She recognized that Yuuto needed a safe space, a sanctuary where he could heal and rediscover his inner strength. The decision to become a shut-in wasn't an escape from reality but a deliberate choice to create an environment conducive to Yuuto's emotional well-being.

Kaoru, with her background in graphic design, transformed their home into a haven of comfort and creativity. She painted the walls in soothing colors, adorned the living space with soft fabrics, and created a makeshift studio where Yuuto could explore his artistic inclinations. The home, once a space where schedules and routines dictated their lives, evolved into a nurturing cocoon where Yuuto could unfold at his own pace.

As the world outside continued its relentless march, Kaoru embraced the role of a shut-in with grace. She managed the daily routines, grocery shopping, and other essentials while minimizing Yuuto's exposure to external stressors. The once-bustling city seemed to fade away as the sanctity of their home became the focal point of their existence.

Yuuto, finding solace in the calmness of their abode, began to explore his passions without the weight of judgment. Kaoru, recognizing his interest in digital art, invested in the tools he needed to express himself. The hum of the computer became a familiar melody, a soundtrack to Yuuto's burgeoning creativity.

The mother-son duo, often dismissed as recluses by the external world, forged a profound connection within the walls of their home. Kaoru, once a social butterfly, discovered the joys of a slower-paced life. She reveled in the simple pleasures of home-cooked meals, shared laughter, and the warmth of a supportive familial bond.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Kaoru noticed subtle shifts in Yuuto's demeanor. The fear that once clouded his eyes began to dissipate, replaced by a newfound confidence nurtured in the cocoon of their shared sanctuary. The once-shut-in lifestyle evolved into a deliberate choice to create an environment where Yuuto could grow, learn, and heal.

Kaoru, realizing the importance of balance, gradually introduced controlled exposures to the outside world. Short walks in the nearby park, visits to less crowded places, and carefully curated social interactions became stepping stones for Yuuto to navigate the external world without feeling overwhelmed.

The journey wasn't without its challenges. Kaoru faced judgment and skepticism from the external world, but she stood resilient in her commitment to Yuuto's well-being. She understood that the path they had chosen was unconventional, but the proof of its success manifested in the blossoming confidence of her son.

One pivotal moment came when Yuuto expressed a desire to enroll in an online art course. Encouraged by Kaoru's unwavering support, he embraced the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals without the pressure of face-to-face interactions. The online community became an extension of their home—a safe space where Yuuto could share his creations, receive feedback, and gradually reintegrate into the broader artistic community.

As the seasons changed, so did the dynamics within the walls of Kaoru and Yuuto's home. The shut-in lifestyle, initially borne out of necessity, evolved into a deliberate choice to foster growth, resilience, and self-discovery. Kaoru's dedication to her son's well-being transformed their home into a sanctuary, a place where fears were confronted, passions were kindled, and the spirit of familial love flourished.

One sunny afternoon, as cherry blossoms painted a picturesque scene outside their window, Kaoru and Yuuto sat in their cozy living room. The computer hummed softly as Yuuto worked on his latest digital masterpiece. Kaoru, glancing at her son with pride, realized that the sanctuary they had created together wasn't just a shelter from the world but a launching pad for Yuuto to soar into a future of his own making.

The city outside, with its constant buzz and demands, seemed distant. In the quietude of their home, Kaoru and Yuuto found a harmony that transcended societal expectations. The shut-in lifestyle, once seen as a retreat, became a testament to a mother's boundless love and a son's journey of self-discovery.

As the cherry blossoms danced in the spring breeze, Kaoru and Yuuto embraced the beauty of their unconventional life—a life crafted with intention, resilience, and the enduring strength of a mother's love. The city may have continued its hurried pace, but within the walls of their home, time moved at a rhythm that celebrated the triumph of the human spirit over adversity and the transformative power of unwavering familial bonds./