DSVR-01371 [VR] “Even At A Time Like This, It’s Really Trash To Have Your Penis Erect Standing That Way! ! ” I Was Supposed To Go On A Date But I Caug

Movie Information:

ID Code: DSVR-01371

Release Date: 16/11/2023

Category: Censored , Slut , Virtual Girlfriend , VR , Cum Swallow , Hikikomori Life

Actress: Saaya Kirijo


Studio Label: SOD Create

Online stream:



In the vibrant city of Kasai, where the hustle and bustle of urban life blended seamlessly with the colorful chaos of street markets, lived Saaya Kirijo—a woman whose external composure masked the tempest of emotions swirling within. Saaya, in her role as a tsundere girlfriend, found herself on a peculiar adventure: visiting her somewhat unconventional boyfriend, Kaito.

Kaito, a self-proclaimed connoisseur of "treasures" and an aspiring artist with a penchant for turning discarded items into eclectic sculptures, lived in a cozy yet cluttered apartment that bordered on the edge of chaos. Saaya, with her refined tastes and orderly lifestyle, often found herself at odds with the organized chaos that defined Kaito's abode.

Despite their differences, Saaya was determined to bridge the gap between her world of sophistication and Kaito's realm of creative chaos. Armed with a mix of exasperation and genuine affection, she embarked on a mission to visit Kaito's apartment and perhaps, in the process, uncover the hidden charm within the chaos.

On a breezy Saturday afternoon, Saaya stood outside Kaito's apartment building, adorned in an ensemble that blended elegance with a hint of rebellious flair. She took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the impending encounter with Kaito's idiosyncratic world.

The door creaked open, revealing Kaito's beaming face. His unkempt hair and vibrant, paint-splattered clothes marked him as a true artist—a stark contrast to Saaya's meticulously styled appearance.

"Hey, Saaya! Welcome to my humble abode!" Kaito exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious as always.

Saaya, feigning disinterest, arched an eyebrow. "Humble, indeed. I hope your definition of 'humble' hasn't evolved since the last time."

Kaito chuckled, unperturbed by Saaya's teasing demeanor. "Nah, it's just as cozy and chaotic as ever. Come on in!"

As Saaya stepped into Kaito's apartment, she was immediately greeted by an array of eccentricities—sculptures made from discarded materials, a vibrant palette of colors smeared across canvases, and a lingering scent of paint that permeated the air. It was a sensory overload, and Saaya couldn't help but suppress a small smile.

"So, this is where you create your masterpieces," she remarked, her eyes scanning the room with a mix of amusement and curiosity.

Kaito grinned, proud to showcase his artistic domain. "Yeah, messy, right? But that's where the magic happens!"

Saaya, with a delicate hand, gingerly picked up a whimsical sculpture crafted from repurposed metal and wires. "Magic, indeed. It's... interesting."

Kaito's eyes gleamed with a mixture of anticipation and amusement. "Interesting? I'll take that as a compliment. What brings you to my realm of creativity today, Saaya?"

Saaya hesitated for a moment, her tsundere facade momentarily faltering. "Well, I... I just wanted to see where you spend your time. That's all."

Kaito's expression softened, a warmth in his eyes that only Saaya seemed to evoke. "You could have just asked, you know. No need for the mysterious visit."

Rolling her eyes, Saaya retorted, "I thought surprises were supposed to be appreciated. Clearly, I overestimated your taste for the unexpected."

Kaito chuckled, recognizing the underlying affection in Saaya's words. "You're something else, Saaya. But I appreciate the effort. Want to help me with a project?"

Saaya, caught off guard by the invitation, hesitated before nodding. "Fine. But only because your artistic chaos is somehow endearing."

As the afternoon unfolded, Saaya found herself immersed in Kaito's world. Together, they transformed discarded items into whimsical creations, the room echoing with laughter and the occasional clash of creative differences. Saaya's initial skepticism gave way to genuine enjoyment, her precision balancing Kaito's spontaneity in a way that seemed almost fated.

In the midst of their collaborative chaos, Saaya couldn't help but steal glances at Kaito. His passion for his art, the way his eyes lit up when discussing his latest project, and the genuine joy he found in the creative process—all of it stirred something within her.

As the sun dipped below the city skyline, casting a warm glow across the cluttered apartment, Saaya and Kaito took a moment to appreciate their joint creation. The sculpture, born from the fusion of Saaya's meticulous touches and Kaito's free-spirited flair, stood as a testament to the harmonious blend of their contrasting worlds.

Saaya, her tsundere facade momentarily crumbling, spoke with a softness in her voice. "I must admit, this has been... enjoyable."

Kaito grinned, his eyes sparkling with a mix of mischief and affection. "Told you my world wasn't so bad, didn't I?"

Saaya, in a moment of unguarded honesty, admitted, "No, it's not. It's uniquely yours, and I... I like that about you."

Their eyes met, and in that shared gaze, a silent understanding blossomed—an acknowledgment of the quirks that made each of them who they were. The cluttered apartment, once a symbol of chaos, now held a different meaning—a space where the boundaries of their worlds blurred, creating a mosaic of love and acceptance.

As Saaya prepared to leave, she turned to Kaito with a small smile. "Don't get used to this. I just came to make sure you weren't turning our relationship into a trashy art project."

Kaito chuckled, wrapping his arms around her in a gentle embrace. "Wouldn't dream of it, Saaya. But thanks for joining me in my chaotic haven. It means a lot."

Saaya, her tsundere demeanor firmly back in place, huffed. "Don't read too much into it. I just wanted to make sure you weren't ruining our future home with your... 'artistic endeavors.'"

Kaito laughed, recognizing the unspoken sentiment beneath Saaya's teasing words. As they stood in the doorway, framed by the vibrant chaos of Kaito's apartment, a quiet understanding lingered—an acceptance of the beautifully messy love that defined their relationship.

And so, in the heart of Kasai, where the city's pulse echoed through the streets, Saaya Kirijo and her "trash boyfriend" Kaito continued their dance of contrasts—a tsundere and her free-spirited artist, bound by the delightful chaos of love that defied the conventional and celebrated the beautifully imperfect./