DSVR-01355 [VR] Female Teen Sleep Adultery Training On A Cheeky Little Sister Who Is Too Spoil Now. A Training Continue Until The Birth Of An Erotic

Movie Information:

ID Code: DSVR-1355

Release Date: 15/10/2023

Category: Censored , Mind Control , VR , Lolicon , Sleep Sex , Petite Teen

Actress: Kudou Rara


Studio Label: SOD Create

Online stream:



Kudou Rara had just returned from her school break, a time when most high school students filled their days with various activities and outings. But Rara was different; she had found solace in the quietude of her family's countryside cottage. Here, in the embrace of nature, she embarked on a journey every night that was so vivid, it felt as real as her waking life.

Her summer days consisted of endless hours of sleep, awakening only when the sun bathed her room in a soft, golden glow. The cottage was a haven of serenity, nestled amidst rolling meadows, fragrant orchards, and an enchanting forest that seemed to stretch on forever. With the pressures of school and teenage life left far behind, Rara's dreams became her escape, a place where the boundaries between reality and imagination blurred.

In the dream that had become her nightly ritual, Rara found herself in a meadow, waist-deep in a sea of wildflowers that swayed gently in the breeze. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the landscape. The countryside was alive with the music of nature – the chirping of crickets, the rustling of leaves, and the distant babbling of a brook.

The wildflowers were a kaleidoscope of colors, and Rara couldn't resist running her fingers through the soft petals. She gathered a handful, fashioning an impromptu bouquet that felt real to the touch. The sweet scent of blooming flowers filled the air as she strolled through the meadow, her steps light and carefree.

As she wandered deeper into the dream, she came upon a small pond, its surface as smooth and clear as a mirror. Rara knelt by the water's edge, her reflection merging with the ripples. In this dream world, the pond was a vibrant ecosystem. Fish darted playfully beneath the surface, frogs sunned themselves on lily pads, and dragonflies performed intricate aerial dances.

Rara watched the interplay of life in the pond with fascination. It was as if her subconscious mind had painted this scene from her deepest desires, a manifestation of her love for nature and its intricate beauty. She dipped her fingers into the cool water, marveling at how real it felt. The dream had a tactile quality that made it impossible to distinguish from reality.

The sun began its descent, casting long shadows over the countryside. Rara decided to lie down in the meadow and gaze up at the sky. The transition from day to night in her dream was seamless, and as the stars began to twinkle above, she felt a sense of wonder wash over her.

The night sky was a canvas of infinite possibilities. The stars formed constellations, and Rara connected the dots, telling herself stories of heroes and myths. Shooting stars streaked across the firmament, and she made silent wishes upon each one. The dream sky was a cosmic masterpiece, far removed from the light pollution of the city. It allowed her to revel in the grandeur of the universe.

Rara's heart swelled with a sense of contentment as she lay in the meadow, feeling the soft grass beneath her. The dream world had become her sanctuary, a place where she could experience the purity of nature and connect with her inner self. It was a profound escape from the anxieties and pressures of her daily life.

In this dream, time held no dominion. Rara felt free to lose herself in the tranquil beauty of the countryside, to gaze up at the stars and let her mind wander among them. The dream was a testament to the boundless capacity of the human imagination, where the mind could create a world so vivid that it felt like a second life.

As she drifted deeper into slumber, the dream continued to unfold, offering her another night of unadulterated magic. Each night, the countryside welcomed her, and she, in turn, welcomed the embrace of her dreams. She found solace, rejuvenation, and a connection to the natural world she held dear.

Kudou Rara's summer reverie was a testament to the power of dreams, a place where she could find serenity, inspiration, and the beauty of existence. The dream was more than just a nightly escape; it was a sanctuary, a source of peace, and a reminder that the wonders of the world were always within her reach. The dream was her secret paradise, a place where she could be truly herself, and where every moment felt as real as life itself./