DSVR-01310 【VR】 Ceiling × Sleeping 'You Can Be Genuine Comfortable Just By Sleeping' A Dense Oil Massage With A Nasty Hand Stimulates For A Ready Mass

Movie Information:

ID Code: DSVR-01310

Release Date: 08/09/2023

Category: Censored , Slut , Soapland , JOI , Escort Service , VR , OIL SEX , Sleep Sex

Actress: Natsume Hibiki


Studio Label: SOD Create

Online stream:



There was a hidden sanctuary known to only a fortunate few—a Japanese massage shop owned and operated by the renowned Hibiki Natsume. The shop had gained a reputation as the best in the country, and for good reason. Here, the art of healing was mastered to perfection, and clients could surrender their worries, stress, and physical tension entirely to Hibiki's expertise.

Your journey to this oasis of tranquility began with a simple desire—to escape the pressures of daily life and to experience the therapeutic wonders of Japanese massage. You had heard tales of Hibiki's extraordinary abilities, and curiosity had drawn you to her serene haven.

The moment you stepped through the shop's door, you felt a sense of calm wash over you. The ambiance was a symphony of serenity, with the soft strains of traditional Japanese music filling the air. The scent of incense lingered gently, and the minimalist décor allowed your senses to focus on the experience that awaited.

Hibiki Natsume, the maestro behind this haven of well-being, welcomed you with a warm smile. Her presence was a soothing balm, and her eyes held a depth of understanding that put you at ease. Without the need for words, she listened to your concerns, intuitively sensing the areas of tension in your body.

As you were led into the treatment room, you felt a sense of anticipation and surrender. The room was bathed in soft, natural light, and a futon awaited you. Hibiki's skilled hands, warm and expert, began the massage without a word. It was as if she knew your body better than you did.

The massage was an exquisite dance of sensation. Hibiki's fingers, palms, and elbows moved with grace and precision, using rhythmic strokes and acupressure techniques to release the knots that had accumulated in your muscles. Each touch felt like a gentle whisper from the universe, soothing and revitalizing you from the inside out.

As Hibiki worked her magic, you could feel the cares of the world melting away. The worries and stresses that had clung to your being were gradually dislodged, replaced by a profound sense of relaxation and inner peace. You were able to let go completely, knowing that you were in the capable hands of a true master.

Her deep understanding of Japanese massage became evident as she effortlessly found and released tension in your body. There was a flow to her movements, a rhythm that seemed to synchronize with your breath. It was a sensory journey of pure surrender, a state of being where you could simply close your eyes and let Hibiki take you to a place of deep healing.

Throughout the treatment, Hibiki maintained a serene focus on her work, and you marveled at her intuitive touch. It was clear that she was not just a massage therapist but a healer who had honed her craft to perfection. In her presence, you felt cared for, nurtured, and wholly understood.

As the massage reached its conclusion, Hibiki invited you to relax and rest. She offered you a warm cup of herbal tea and shared some post-massage advice to prolong the benefits of the treatment. Her words were gentle and wise, emphasizing the importance of self-care and mindfulness in everyday life.

Leaving the shop, you felt as though you were floating on a cloud of serenity. The experience with Hibiki Natsume had been nothing short of extraordinary. Her reputation as the best in the country was a well-deserved accolade, and you knew that you would return to her sanctuary of healing time and time again.

In the heart of Kyoto, where ancient traditions met modern life, you had discovered the art of surrender—a place where the gifted hands of Hibiki Natsume could work wonders, a place where you could simply close your eyes, let go, and trust in the healing touch that transcended words and brought profound peace to your body and soul./