DPSVR-011 [VR] Love Begins From The Groin Growing Up In An Apartment Store At A Men's Massage Parlor Yura Hinata

Movie Information:

ID Code: DPSVR-011

Release Date: 18/08/2023

Category: Censored , Slut , Soapland , Escort Service , VR , Deep Throating

Actress: Hinata Yura


Studio Label: Deeps

Online stream:



there existed a place known as "Serenity Haven." This establishment, discreetly nestled amidst the urban chaos, was more than just a traditional soapland. It was a sanctuary where weary souls sought solace and rejuvenation.

Yura Hinata, a therapist with an aura of tranquility and grace, was one of the prized gems of Serenity Haven. Her touch was said to heal not only the body but also the spirit, leaving patrons with a sense of inner peace they couldn't find elsewhere. With each session, Yura wove a tapestry of serenity that left her clients captivated by her magic.

Among the many who sought Yura's soothing touch was a man named Hiroshi. He was an unassuming accountant burdened by the pressures of his demanding career and the chaotic pace of city life. Intrigued by the whispers of Yura's abilities, Hiroshi decided to experience her therapy for himself.

Their first encounter was nothing short of transformative. Yura's gentle hands seemed to erase the knots of stress that had taken residence in Hiroshi's muscles. But it wasn't just her physical touch that had an impact; it was the genuine warmth in her eyes, the calming cadence of her voice, and the way she seemed to truly understand him.

As Hiroshi continued to visit Serenity Haven, a unique connection began to form between him and Yura. Their conversations during the sessions touched on everything from the mundane to the profound. It was as if the serene ambiance of the soapland created a safe space where walls could be lowered, and vulnerabilities shared.

One evening, after a particularly profound session, Hiroshi mustered the courage to ask Yura to join him for a cup of tea. To his surprise, she agreed with a soft smile that held a hint of intrigue. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, carrying them from tea to dinner and then a moonlit stroll through the quiet streets.

With each passing encounter, Hiroshi and Yura's bond deepened. They discovered shared interests and values, and their hearts danced to the rhythm of unspoken emotions. It wasn't long before their connection evolved into a romance that defied the conventional boundaries of their circumstances.

Love had indeed bloomed in the most unexpected of places – a soapland, where Yura's therapeutic touch had led to the healing of more than just Hiroshi's body. In each other's company, they found solace, understanding, and a profound connection that transcended their roles as therapist and client.

Their love story, like the city's dazzling lights, illuminated the beauty in the unconventional. With Yura's gentle guidance and Hiroshi's willingness to open his heart, they showed that love could flourish anywhere, even in the unlikeliest of places./