AQULA-024 [VR] I Want To Make Even The Best Esthetician At A Healthy Shop Erect And Successful Become My Slut Yuki Akagi

Movie Information:

ID Code: AQULA-024

Release Date: 15/11/2023

Category: Censored , Big boob , Slut , Soapland , Married Woman , VR

Actress: Akagi Yuuki


Studio Label: AQUA

Online stream:



In the bustling city of Tokyo, where skyscrapers touched the clouds and the rhythm of life echoed through crowded streets, Akagi Yuuki found herself at the intersection of career and marriage, a place where passion and commitment converged into a unique harmony. As a successful marketing executive with a penchant for creativity, Akagi had always been deeply in love with her job, and now, as a married woman, she navigated the delicate balance of professional ambition and marital bliss.

Yuuki's love affair with her career had begun long before she walked down the aisle. Her days were filled with the exhilaration of brainstorming sessions, the thrill of executing innovative marketing campaigns, and the satisfaction of seeing her ideas come to life. Yet, beneath the hustle and bustle of her professional life, Yuuki yearned for a personal connection that would complement the vibrant tapestry of her career.

Enter Kaito, a kindred spirit who shared Yuuki's passion for life and creativity. Their love story unfolded against the backdrop of Tokyo's vibrant cityscape, where late-night dinners turned into conversations that lingered like the city lights reflecting on the surface of the Sumida River.

As the pages of their love story turned, Yuuki and Kaito decided to embark on a journey of marriage, each carrying dreams and aspirations that intertwined seamlessly. However, as the ceremony faded into memories and the honeymoon phase settled into the rhythm of everyday life, Yuuki faced the challenge of balancing her love for her job with her commitment to building a life with Kaito.

Her workplace, an innovative marketing agency known for pushing creative boundaries, was both demanding and fulfilling. Yuuki's days were a whirlwind of meetings, brainstorming sessions, and the meticulous execution of campaigns that captivated the hearts of clients. The pace was relentless, yet Yuuki thrived in the chaos, finding a sense of purpose and fulfillment in the creative realm.

As a married woman, Yuuki grappled with societal expectations that often placed an emphasis on traditional gender roles. The notion that a woman should prioritize family over career lingered in the background, but Yuuki was determined to challenge these stereotypes and forge a path that reflected her authentic self.

Her relationship with Kaito became a pillar of support, a sanctuary where she could find solace and encouragement. Kaito, an entrepreneur with his own ambitions, understood Yuuki's passion for her career and became her partner in navigating the delicate dance between personal and professional life.

One evening, as the neon lights of Tokyo painted the skyline, Yuuki and Kaito had a heart-to-heart conversation. They sat on their apartment balcony, overlooking the city that had witnessed the evolution of their love.

"Yuuki," Kaito began, his gaze filled with understanding, "I love the fire in your eyes when you talk about your work. It's a part of what makes you who you are, and I would never want you to compromise that for anything, including our marriage."

Yuuki, touched by Kaito's unwavering support, smiled. "Kaito, you've always been my biggest cheerleader. But I also want to make sure I'm present for us, for our life together. Balancing it all feels like a tightrope walk sometimes."

Kaito nodded, his hand gently intertwining with Yuuki's. "Let's find that balance together. Your career is an essential part of you, and I wouldn't want it any other way. We'll navigate this journey hand in hand, supporting each other every step of the way."

Encouraged by Kaito's understanding, Yuuki approached her career with newfound vigor. She embraced opportunities for professional growth while cherishing the quiet moments with Kaito, whether it was a home-cooked dinner or a leisurely weekend stroll through Tokyo's eclectic neighborhoods.

In the corridors of her workplace, Yuuki continued to break barriers and shatter glass ceilings. She became a source of inspiration for her colleagues, demonstrating that a woman could thrive in her career without compromising her personal life. Her marriage to Kaito became a testament to the idea that love and ambition could coexist harmoniously.

As the seasons changed, so did the dynamics of their relationship. Yuuki and Kaito celebrated anniversaries with quiet dinners and weekend getaways, finding joy in the simplicity of shared moments. Their love story became a beacon of hope for those who believed in the possibility of a marriage built on mutual respect, understanding, and a shared commitment to individual growth.

One day, Yuuki found herself on the brink of a major career opportunity—an opportunity that would require her to take on a leadership role with global responsibilities. The prospect excited her, but it also raised questions about the impact on her marriage.

Gathering the courage to broach the subject with Kaito, Yuuki expressed her aspirations and the potential challenges that lay ahead. Kaito, ever supportive, listened intently and then responded with a smile.

"Yuuki, go for it. Your dreams are my dreams, and I want to see you soar. We'll figure out the logistics together and make it work. Your career is not just yours; it's a part of our journey."

Emboldened by Kaito's unwavering belief, Yuuki embraced the new chapter in her career. She navigated international boardrooms, time zones, and challenging projects with a grace that mirrored the strength of her marriage.

Through it all, Yuuki and Kaito continued to nurture their love, adapting to the evolving landscape of their lives. They discovered that love wasn't a static concept but a dynamic force that thrived on communication, mutual support, and the shared belief that each could pursue their passions while building a life together.

As Tokyo's skyline sparkled with the lights of a thousand dreams, Akagi Yuuki and Kaito found themselves standing on their balcony once again, reflecting on the journey that had brought them to this point. Their marriage, a fusion of love and ambition, was a testament to the belief that one could be fiercely dedicated to both career and marriage, creating a life that resonated with authenticity and fulfillment.

In the city that never slept, where dreams were as vast as the Tokyo skyline, Akagi Yuuki and Kaito continued to build a love story that defied expectations and celebrated the limitless possibilities that unfolded when two individuals shared not only a home but also a profound respect for each other's aspirations./