AQULA-023 [VR] Misaki Sakura Inevitably Hot When She Returns Home With But We Can't Make A Sound As There Is A Guest Right Now!

Movie Information:

ID Code: AQULA-023

Release Date: 31/10/2023

Category: Censored , Slut , Squirting , College Student , VR , Secret Sex

Actress: Misaki Sakura


Studio Label: AQUA

Online stream:



Sakura Misaki had forever been known for her energetic soul and her talent for adjusting her bustling life. As an undergrad shuffling seasonal work, studies, and a clamoring family home, her days were a tornado of movement. Yet, in the midst of the bedlam, there was one mystery that she treasured - her relationship with her sweetheart, Hiroshi, and the furtive minutes they shared.

On a bright evening, Sakura had recently completed her work day at the neighborhood book shop where she worked parttime. Her eyes shimmered with energy as she understood that she had a couple of long periods of leisure time before her family would get back. This implied she could meet Hiroshi, her beau of two years, without anybody thinking a thing.

She briskly advanced toward their mystery rendezvous spot, an interesting little bistro settled between the clamoring roads of the city. Sakura and Hiroshi had picked this spot since it hushed up, comfortable, and a long way from inquisitive eyes. It was their desert spring amidst the bedlam of their day to day existences.

As Sakura strolled into the bistro, she spotted Hiroshi finding a seat at their typical corner table. His comforting grin welcomed her, and her heart skirted a thump. They traded a fast, invigorated embrace prior to plunking down to partake in their confidential minutes together.

Sakura and Hiroshi had initially met at school, their ways crossing in the most surprising way during an undergrad introduction occasion. They had clicked immediately, holding over their common advantages and eccentric awareness of what's actually funny. Their fellowship had developed into an enthusiastic and cherishing relationship, and they had in short order become indistinguishable.

Yet, there was a trick - Sakura's family, who held customary qualities, was not yet mindful of her relationship. They had anticipated that she should focus on her investigations and put her vocation first. Sakura, notwithstanding, had confidence in adoration and the significance of having a day to day existence past course readings and tests. She had chosen to stay quiet about her relationship to keep away from any pointless struggle at home.

Sakura and Hiroshi's undercover gatherings had turned into the life saver of their adoration. They went through hours together, tasting espresso and sharing dreams, chuckling, and calm minutes. These minutes resembled taken treasures, a universe of their own away from according to the world.

On this specific evening, Sakura and Hiroshi discussed their future, their fantasies, and the impediments they could confront. Hiroshi was a hopeful performer with a musical crew, and Sakura was seeking after a degree in visual depiction. They were completely mindful that their professions would request commitment and difficult work, yet their adoration had forever been worth the difficulties.

As they examined their tentative arrangements, Sakura really wanted to feel a blend of fervor and dread. She needed to be straightforward with her family, to impart her bliss to them, however the apprehension about their response burdened her. She realized she would need to uncover her mystery sometime in the future, yet that day had not yet come.

Their meeting was intruded on by Sakura's telephone vibrating on the table. She looked at the screen and saw her more youthful sister's name blazing. Alarm flooded through her as she got the call.

"Hello, sister!" her sister trilled. "I'm coming back home, and I figured we could make supper together this evening. What do you say?"

Sakura's heart hustled. Her sister's startling arrangement had messed up her painstakingly created secret meeting. She took a gander at Hiroshi, stress scratched all over.

"I'd very much want to, sister," Sakura answered, attempting to sound as created as could be expected. "I'll be home in a little, and we can make an extraordinary supper together."

Her sister sounded charmed, and Sakura immediately finished the call. She went to Hiroshi, her eyes loaded up with concern. "My sister is returning, Hiroshi. We really want to wrap this up and leave before she sees us together."

Hiroshi gestured, his face loaded up with understanding. They immediately took care of their bill, leaving the bistro connected at the hip. Sakura's heart hustled with a blend of fervor and trepidation. She needed to safeguard her mysterious, and yet, she longed for the day when she could be open about her adoration for Hiroshi.

As they walked around the city roads, Hiroshi maneuvered Sakura into a surprising embrace. "I can hardly hang tight for the day when we will not need to stay quiet about our adoration, Sakura," he murmured. "I maintain that the world should know the amount you mean to me."

Sakura grinned, her eyes shimmering with tears. "I need that as well, Hiroshi. Also, when that day comes, we'll confront it together, regardless of anything else."

As they contacted her family's doorstep, Sakura couldn't resist the opportunity to have a surge of affection toward Hiroshi. Their mystery meeting could have been brief, yet it was an indication of the adoration they shared and the fantasies they were fabricating together.

With a little kiss, they headed out in different directions. Sakura watched Hiroshi vanish into the clamoring city, her heart loaded up with the expectation that one day, their affection would never again should be left well enough alone. Up to that point, still up in the air to esteem each taken second they could share, realizing that their affection merited each test and penance./